Chapter 3 -So that happend

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I woke up in the morning with a pounding headache. My skull felt like it was splitting open, a sharp reminder of last night's emotional turmoil. The faint clatter of dishes reached me from the kitchen—Sophie was already up and making breakfast. I thought about dragging myself to work, but honestly, what's the point? The company can survive a day or two without me. What I need right now is rest—some time to clear my head and figure out what the hell I'm going to do next. Ugh, this headache is relentless. I'm definitely going to need a painkiller.

Dragging myself out of bed, I shuffled to the bathroom. "God, I look like a total mess," I muttered, staring at my reflection. Puffy, red eyes, blotchy skin, and hair in disarray—there was no hiding what a rough night it had been. But honestly, who cares? I'm not going anywhere important. I'm taking a few days off to rest, focus on finding a new apartment, and distract myself from everything that happened.

After brushing my teeth and taking a quick shower, I felt a little more human. I stepped out into the living room where Sophie was busy with breakfast. "Morning, Sophie," I greeted her quietly. She turned to face me with concern written all over her face and walked over. "Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes searching mine.

"No, I'm not okay," I admitted, forcing a sad smile. Without another word, I headed back to the bathroom, avoiding the conversation I knew was inevitable. After splashing some cold water on my face, I tried to shake off the fatigue. I was tired—exhausted, really—not just physically but emotionally. Every fiber of my being felt drained.

Sophie's voice echoed from the kitchen, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Okay, I've been patient enough, but you need to tell me what's going on." She sounded more concerned than frustrated. I sighed, knowing she deserved an explanation, even if it hurt to relive it.

I walked back out, taking a seat at the kitchen table. "I guess it's time to talk," I said, bracing myself. "So, I wanted to surprise Daniel last night. I left work early, hoping to make dinner and spend some time with him. I've been so caught up in work lately, and I figured we could use a nice evening together. But the moment I walked into the apartment, I knew something was off. The place smelled like someone else's perfume—definitely not mine."

Sophie's eyes widened, but she stayed silent, letting me continue. "I know it sounds crazy, but my sense of smell is sharp. I didn't want to believe it, but deep down, I knew what I was going to find. When I got to the bedroom... I saw him—Daniel—with another girl. Both of them naked."

Sophie gasped loudly, her shock almost exaggerated, but that's just how she is—always dramatic. I managed a bitter laugh at her reaction, but the sadness still clung to me. I could feel the sting of betrayal all over again.

"So, Daniel cheated on you," Sophie said, her voice low but laced with anger. "Yeah," I replied, my voice breaking slightly. "I can't help but think it's partly my fault. I've been so busy with work, maybe I wasn't there for him enough. Maybe—" Before I could finish, Sophie slapped my arm. "Ouch! What was that for?"

"Don't even start with that nonsense," she snapped. "No matter how busy you were, it doesn't give him the right to cheat. He made his choice, and it's on him. Stop blaming yourself for someone else's shitty behavior."

She was right, of course. Deep down, I knew it wasn't my fault, but it's just in my nature to blame myself when things go wrong. I sighed, feeling the weight of everything crashing down on me again. "I know you're right. My mind's just all over the place. But maybe it's for the best. We both know I've been too busy to even think about a relationship lately."

Sophie's expression softened, and she offered a small smile. "You deserve so much better, y/n. And I'm here for you, okay?"

I nodded, trying to muster a real smile. "Thanks, Soph. I mean it."

Sophie, trying to lift the mood, suddenly perked up. "Now that's off the table, why don't we put some food on it? What do you say?"

I laughed, grateful for her effort to lighten the mood. "Yes, please! My stomach's roaring."

I joined her in the kitchen, grabbing plates while she finished setting up breakfast. Sophie's an incredible cook, though she rarely shows off her skills. If I had her talent, I'd probably be a professional chef by now. She made a Greek salad and an omelet, and the moment I took a bite, I was in heaven. It's been ages since I enjoyed food like this.

"Sophie, this is amazing," I said between mouthfuls of salad.

She rolled her eyes, half-annoyed. "Can you please close your mouth while you chew? You're going to make me lose my appetite."

I grinned cheekily and did as I was told. Sophie's funny like that—she doesn't take compliments well, but I know she secretly enjoys them. There's so much I'll never fully understand about her, but I'm grateful to have someone like her in my life.

After breakfast, we decided to watch a rom-com. We're both suckers for cheesy love stories, so there was no argument over what to watch. Everything with Sophie is so easy—it just flows naturally. It makes me wish I could find someone like her but, you know, a guy. If she were a man, I'd probably have proposed by now, though knowing Sophie, she'd laugh it off and say something sarcastic.

Once the movie ended, I could barely keep my eyes open. "I think I'm going to take a nap," I told her, but she shook her head firmly. "Sleep all you want, but tonight we're going out. And that's final."

I opened my mouth to argue, but she cut me off. "Nope, I'm not hearing it. I'm ordering you to go out tonight. Now go take a nap and leave me alone."

I sighed, knowing there was no way I could win this battle. It's impossible to argue with Sophie when she's determined. "Bossy bitch," I muttered under my breath with a smile as I headed to bed. But I wouldn't have her any other way. I sprawled across the bed, comforted by the fact that despite everything falling apart, Sophie's care was something I could always rely on. Before I knew it, sleep took over.

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