Niall Found & Rockfall

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None's POV
Louis woke Liam up at 3am, and they drove for 30 minutes before they reached Bundouglas beach.
"Liam, take the east side, I'll take the west."
"Ok," Liam said and they split up.

"Liam!" Louis called after 30 minutes.
"What is it?" Liam asked as he came running over.
"If Niall was here, they would have found him by now. You can't miss someone."
"No, it's quite flat."
"But..." Louis said before he swallowed and tears filled his eyes.
"What is it?"
"There are cliffs round the corner. He could have fallen..."
"Louis, look at me," Liam told him sternly and Louis looked at Liam straight in the eyes.
"If Niall fell between rocks, a rescue team could have missed him."
"Especially if he was unconscious," Louis said as a tear ran down his face.
"Ok. Take a deep breath Louis. We're not going to cry, we're going to search the bottom of the cliffs for Niall."
"Ok..." Louis said, and he wiped his tears away. "Ok."
"Let's go," Liam said and he put his arm around Louis.

Cleggan cliffs

2 hours passed as Liam and Louis searched Cleggan cliffs. Then, as Louis checked a hidden shallow cave, he shouted to Liam:
"Liam! Down here!" Louis shouted, and he dropped his torch as he ran to Niall. The Irishman was lying on his side, his eyes were closed and his left leg was covered in blood. "Niall, are you ok? It's Louis, can you hear me?"
"Away... get away..." Niall said weakly as he tried to push Louis away from him.
"I'm here. We're going to help you."
"The cliff's unstable," Niall said before he coughed and Louis heard something breaking above them.
"Stay back Liam!" Louis shouted as Liam reached the front of the cave.
"Louis!" Liam screamed as the cliff collapsed.

Louis's POV
I coughed as I came round. It was dark, and my head was killing me. Below me, Niall was lying very still. I had protected Niall the best I could from the rockfall.
"Niall? Can you hear me?" I asked nervously. He had already been out here for 2 and a half days, and I didn't know if he had any injuries.
"Yeah, that's me."
"What happened?"
"There was a rockfall."
"My leg's broken. Louis..." Niall said before he started to cry.
"Hey, it's alright. I've got you. I'm going to get us out of here Niall."
"...Louis! Niall!" Came a voice, and I looked round the darkness the best I could.
"What was that?" Niall asked before he grimaced.
"I think it's Liam."
"Where are you?" Liam called again, and a shaft of light reached us as a chunk of stone was removed.
"We're in here!" I shouted before I coughed violently.
"I'm ok," I lied to Niall. I wasn't ok, but we both needed to get out of here. Niall needed help more than me, so as I held him close to me: I waited for Liam's voice.
"It's unstable. We need to move the larger rocks first!" A stranger called.
"We're getting you out Louis. Just hold on."
"Niall needs urgent medical care Liam! He's broken his leg."
"We're on it Louis. Hold tight, we're getting you out."
"I'm so tired Louis," Niall said beneath me.
"Don't fall asleep Niall. You need to stay awake, I'm with you."
"I'm safe?"
"You are. We're both safe," I lied to Niall again before I kissed him. I needed him to stay awake. I needed us both to make it out of here.
"I've been out... here for... days."
"I know. I know Niall," I said, and I kissed him again.


I woke up. The world was muffled, and my head was really hurting. I must have passed out.
"They're taking off now, and he's going to need surgery. How's Louis?" Liam asked as I felt his hand touch my shoulder.
"His vital signs are good, but the wound to his head is quite deep. The doctors will assess him more at the hospital."
"Thank you."
"You can come with us in the ambulance if you would like to."
"I will. Louis's going to need someone when he wakes up, and Niall's going to have a lot of doctors around him."
"Ok, let's get him loaded up and head to Ennis Hospital."
"Ok," A stranger said, and the surface I was lying on moved. It rattled and jolted, before it came to a halt. Two doors were closed and an engine started, before Liam took hold of my hand.
"That was very brave Louis. You found Niall and you're both being looked after. You're going to be alright."
Thanks lad, I thought before I passed out for the second time.

"Thanks lad, I thought before I passed out for the second time

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