Louis Collapses & Seizure

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Louis's POV
We were waiting backstage at John Ross's show and I was scrolling through my phone. My head was hurting, but it wasn't a headache, I was just feeling off.
"Are you ok Louis?" Niall asked as he put his hand onto my leg and I looked at him and the other boys.
"I don't feel great. But I'm not sick."
"No headache or balance issues?" Liam asked me.
"No. My head just feels like it's full of cotton wool."
"I'll sit next to you Louis and if you feel worse, just squeeze my hand."
"I will," I said before I looked back down. My eyes blurred but I shook my head and my vision went back to normal.

Although I hadn't been properly sick for a few weeks, my body had been getting weaker. It was almost like I was being dosed with something.

"No," I said as I remembered.
"Louis?" Liam asked.
"I've remembered something. There were voices..."
"Ok boys, you're on," A crew member said and we all stood up. I quickly searched for my symptoms on my phone, again, but this time I added the word: poison.

The Jonathan Ross Show

"One Direction!" Jonathan called and the audience clapped as we came onto the stage. "Nice to see you boys. Hello."
"Hi John."
"Good to see you."
"And you."
"Belladonna," I whispered to Niall before I smiled.
"Hi Jonathan," I greeted him.
"Belladonna?" Niall asked me quietly as we sat down.
"What are you boys whispering about over there?" Jonathan asked us.
"Your new haircut. Niall doesn't like it."
"That's not very nice Niall."
"It's not my thing. Sorry Jonathan."
"Well it's a good thing that it's my hair. So boys," Jonathan said and we started the interview.

The interview went well and apart from a few awkward questions about Zayn, we were having a good time. That was until I dampened the mood.
"What do you think about Zayn leaving Louis?" The interviewer asked me.
"Zayn?" I asked.
"Yes, you were closest to him in the band weren't you?"
"Who's Zayn?"
"Your bandmate."
"You've lost me."
"Your relationship can't be that bad with him," The interviewer said and the audience laughed. I smiled before I looked down and fiddled with my hands. I really did have no idea who he was talking about.
"Let's move it on. You don't want to keep talking about your ex," Someone said.
"Ex? Do you know something we don't Russell?"
"No, but the boys are getting uncomfortable so let's move the interview on."
"Alright, alright."
"Are you alright Louis?" The person beside me asked and I looked at them. I didn't know who they were.
"Yeah," I told them with a smile.
"Your new album, Made In The A.M. is already out. But you're not going to tour it?"
"No, because we're taking a break..." Someone started to answer and I put my hands in my lap. I was sitting on a sofa with 3 boys who were my age and someone I recognised from TV. My hands were starting to sweat and I was shaking a little.


As I started to feel sick, I stood up and took a few steps.
"Sorry everyone, I... I'm..."
"Are you ok Louis?"
"No..." I said and the person from the TV stood up as came over to me.
"You're shaking. Have you got epilepsy Louis?" He asked me as he put his hands onto my arms.
"Why are you asking that?"
"Louis, can you look at me?" This person asked and I looked at him. "Ok, I want you to lie down, you're alright."
"I..." I said, but I was shaking badly and getting words out was hard.
"That's it Louis, just lie down," This person said as I sat on the floor, and soon I was lying on my side.
"What's wrong with him?" Someone asked as they rested their hand onto my side.
"Can someone find the studio medic?"
"I will."
"I hope that I'm wrong about this."
"I'm with you Louis. You're alright."
"Ni... Niall," I said as I finally remembered his name and he took my hand.
"I'm here. Are you ok?" He asked, and the world went black.

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