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The morning scene unfolds like a serene canvas . The sky was illuminated with a kaleidoscope of pastel hues as the sun rises . The wind softly brushes the dew kissed grass as they sparkled in the morning light .

The sunrays creeps into the window , casting a warm glow to the room but not for Jin . He woke up with a painful hiss when the sunlight embraced his body .

He immediately fell out of his bed and hid at the back of his bed to avoid sunlight . He cursed when he saw that his entire room was filled with sunlight .

He has absolutely no idea on how to get out of his room . His room was the brightest one among the members in their dorm . The bright pearl walls reflected the light in almost every direction making his room look like a God's abode .

Jimin even said that his room was more than enough to conduct a wedding ceremony . To add more misery to his shoulders , his room had windows in all directions except for one at the wall where the door is located .

Jin hissed again when he came contact with the sunlight . As the sun rises , the sunlight was slowly engulfing his room . He will be soon out of dark places to hide his body from the golden ray of light .

' Shit ! Shit ! Shit ! I can't even close the curtain, it's too far '

Jin held his knees close to his chest and was on the verge of crying . He hated himself for being a victim of almost everything.

It was at that moment he got an idea . He carefully took his duvet from his bed by pulling it's hem where there is no sunlight. He wrapped it around his body , making sure to cover every part of him .

He smiled in victory and was about to walk when he yelped in pain yet again . His feet was burned from the contact with sunlight . Jin analysed his room to find his slides only to spot it at the far end of his room .

Jin let out a deep sigh and thought

' It's now or never !! '

He made a run towards the door , not caring if it is locked or unlocked . If it is unlocked then break it in one go is all that he thought . That's why he made a run towards the door adamant to break it .

Meanwhile , at the same moment , poor Hobi opened the door to wake Jin up . All he felt was pain shoot through his body when Jin collided with him . The air was knocked out from his lungs when he fell on the floor with Jin in his arms .

Both Seoks were tangled in the floor with Jin's duvet around them . SeokJin was absolutely fine and had no injury because he safe landed on Hoseok . They both locked their eyes like that of a meeting scene of couples in K drama .

" Jwe hope , you got big eyes "

Hope showed a disgusted look and pushed his hyung from his body .

" Ewww hyung , shut your mouth your breath stinks and WHY THE HELL DID YOU BUMP AT ME ?!? " , Hoseok exclaimed while rubbing his bum .

" Umm.....I ran ....coz.um there wa-s there was a T-tarantula " , Jin lied unable to reveal the truth .

Hoseok believing his lie , turned pale for a few seconds before yelling , "Ahhhhhhhhh , JUNGKOOKIE HELP ME , THERE IS A FUCKING TARANTULAAAAAA"


Jin giggled at Hoseok and went to the bathroom of one of their guest room since he was not able to enter his room .

At their dining hall , Jungkook was laughing hysterically while Hobi was sulking down with a pout on his face .

" Are you nuts ? Why are you laughing like crazy early morning? " , Namjoon asked Jungkook .

" Hobi hyung barged into my room shouting about Tarantula but he slipped down and his leg got stuck under the coffee table . He tried to stand up but fell down almost three times .But seriously ? A Tarantula ? In the city of Seoul ? " , Jungkook looked at Hobi and laughed again .

" Hobi - hyung is possessed by the ghost of Jimin today " , Jimin choked on his food and turned to Jungkook .

" Jimin ? Just Jimin ? "

" What ? You want me to call you Park Jimin ? " , Jimin continued to eat his food as he don't have the mood to argue .

' Brat always forgets to use honorifics '

Just then Jin came down to dining hall . He almost let out a squeaky laughter when he saw Jungkook teasing Hobi .

"Sup Jwe hope , why so gloomy ? "

Hope can only glare at him , " It's all because of you hyung "

Jin just brushed his remarks and slumped down on his chair .


Bangtan widened their eyes when the chair broke down as soon as Jin seated on it . Everyone came to their senses when they heard Jin groaning in pain .

" Hyung !! You ok ? " , Jimin asked while lending his hand to Jin so that he can stand . Jin felt extreme pain in his hips when he fell down . Due to his medical condition , small injuries can lead to nasty bruises on his skin .

" I-it's ok , hyung ' s fine " , Jin assured him as he stood up . " Which one of you kept a broken chair for me ?!!" , Jin asked the members . Every single person turned to Jungkook who raised his hands in surrender .

" I swear , it wasn't me !! I won't do such things , not when Jin hyung is unwell "

" Namjoon-ah , did you break it ?"

" No hyung , the last thing I ever broke is Yoongi hyung's headphones . "

" You little shit !! That's why I can't find my headphones "

Jin only sighed as it was getting chaotic by each passing second . He leaned to the glass table , resting his hands on them , feeling his energy drained . Something unexpected happened at that moment .


A faint crack appears on the glass surface , spreading like spider web . The sound of loud scrunching of glass was echoed in the room startling every member .

The food kept on the table was scattered across the floor , staining some of the members' pants . The members are speechless unable to figure out the sudden demolishment of their table .

" NO !! MY STRAWBERRY SHAKE AND MY FISH BREAD !!! " , Tae exclaimed dramatically as he eyed the food sprawled on the floor covered by shards of glasses .

Luckily Jin backed off as soon as he saw the faint crack appearing in the glass table . Otherwise , he would now be on the floor , withering in pain caused by the tiny needle like glass shards.

" How in the world did the table break ?!? " , Jimin said in amusement . They are forced to order take outs as their breakfast was completely ruined .

Jin silently went into the kitchen and calmed himself down by chugging a glass of water . He was slightly shaking , traumatized by the circumstance.

To clear his doubts , he frantically searched for an object in the cupboard . He shakingly took a flask from it and applied pressure with a single hand .

Jin let out a gasp when he saw how the flask crunched like a paper cup in his hand . He dropped it down unable to control his shaking hands which was swaying like leaves on a windy day .

" Hyung , what are you doing here ? " , Goongi asked startling Jin .

" I-I w-was searching for something to clean the mess in dining hall . "

" It's ok Hyung , leave it . We will do it together afterwards . You have to rest for now . "

Jin nodded in agreement and left the kitchen forgetting about the crunched up thermoflask on their kitchen floor .

' Little did he know that someone took a note on everything '


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