A Glimpse of Fate

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The air in the garden of the Minister's estate was thick with the scent of blooming flowers. The tranquil beauty of the surroundings seemed untouched by the turbulent world beyond the palace walls. Lee Minho, the eldest son of the minister of war, sat quietly under a large cherry blossom tree. His gaze was fixed on the pages of a worn book, but his mind wandered. The world of literature had always been his escape from the harsh realities of court life, but today, even the words on the page could not hold his attention.

His younger brother, Yongbok, was off training at the broder, preparing for the day when he would take up the mantle of their mother, the famous female general who had died far too soon. Minho had never shared his brother's enthusiasm for war. He had always preferred the peaceful pursuits of painting and poetry, much like his father. But even in this tranquil garden, far from the battlefield, he could feel the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him.

Seungmin had heard of Minho from his twin brother, who often spoke of the young man's beauty, but seeing him in person was different. Minho was ethereal, his light blue robe fluttering gently in the wind, his dark eyes deep and unreadable. Seungmin had thought his brother's words were exaggerated, but now he understood. Yet, as he watched Minho, a surge of bitterness rose within him.

'So, this is the one my brother couldn't stop talking about,' Seungmin thought as he observed Minho from a distance. The sight of Minho stirred something unfamiliar within him, a feeling he couldn't quite place. It was unsettling.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps pulled Minho from his thoughts. He looked up, his dark eyes narrowing as he saw a figure approaching.
It was a man, dressed in the attire of a general, though he seemed far too young to hold such a rank. His face was unfamiliar, yet there was something about him that caught Minho's attention immediately.

For a moment, time seemed to stop. Seungmin's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly suppressed the strange emotion rising within him. This was not the time for distractions.

In Minho's eyes this man was strikingly handsome, with sharp features and eyes that seemed to hold a deep, dark mystery. His presence was commanding, and yet, there was a quiet grace in the way he moved. As he drew closer, Minho noticed the subtle tension in his shoulders, the way his gaze swept over the garden, as if he were constantly on guard.

The man stopped a few paces away, his gaze locking with Minho's. For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence stretched out between them, heavy with unspoken words.

"You're Prince, Lee Minho," the man said finally, his voice low and measured.

Minho blinked, surprised that this stranger knew his name. He closed his book and set it aside, rising to his feet. "I am," he replied cautiously. "And you are?"

"Kim Seungmin," the man replied. "I've just returned from the northern borders. Your father has appointed me as one of his generals."

Minho's eyes widened slightly. He had heard of Kim Seungmin, of course. The young general who had survived the horrors of war and returned as the only living member of his unit. His reputation had spread quickly through the court, although Minho had never expected to meet him in person.

"You're younger than I expected," Minho said, his voice betraying a hint of surprise.

Seungmin's lips twitched into a brief, humorless smile. "War ages a man quickly," he replied. "But I assure you, I am more than capable of fulfilling my duties."

Minho studied him for a moment longer, then nodded. "I have no doubt," he said, although there was a note of caution in his voice. "I must say, though, I didn't expect to meet one of my father's generals here in the garden."

Seungmin's gaze flickered to the cherry blossoms overhead, then back to Minho. "I needed a moment of peace," he said quietly. "The palace can be... suffocating."

Minho understood that sentiment all too well. He gestured for Seungmin to sit with him under the tree. "Then perhaps you and I are not so different," he said. "I often come here to escape the noise of court life."

For a moment, Seungmin hesitated, but then he nodded and sat beside Minho, although he kept a respectful distance. The two men sat in silence for a while, listening to the gentle rustle of the leaves and the distant hum of palace life. It was a rare moment of calm in a world that seemed to be constantly in turmoil.

Minho explored at Seungmin out of the corner of his eye, studying him more closely. There was something about the younger man that intrigued him-something beyond his striking appearance and formidable reputation. There was a depth to him, a darkness that seemed to linger just beneath the surface.

"You've seen a great deal of suffering," Minho said quietly, more to himself than to Seungmin.

Seungmin's gaze flickered, but he didn't respond immediately. When he finally spoke, his voice was soft, almost reflective. "Yes," he said simply. "More than anyone should."

Minho nodded, his expression thoughtful. "And yet, you continue to serve. Even after all you've endured."

Seungmin turned his head to look at Minho, his dark eyes unreadable. "Duty is all that remains," he said quietly. "Without it, there is nothing."

Minho felt a pang of sadness at the words. He could feel the pain behind them, the weight of loss and betrayal that Seungmin carried with him. And yet, there was also a strength in him-a resolve that had kept him going, even when everything else had been taken from him.

For a moment, Minho wondered what it would be like to carry such a burden. He has always been sheltered from the harsh realities of the world, protected by his position and his family's influence. But Seungmin... he faced the darkness head-on and survived.

"Perhaps," Minho said softly, "there is more to life than duty."

Seungmin's gaze lingered on Minho for a moment longer before he looked away. "Perhaps," he agreed, although there was a note of doubt in his voice. "But for now, duty is all I have."

The two men fell silent again, each lost in their own thoughts. The garden, once a place of refuge, now feels heavy with the weight of their unspoken words.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the garden, Minho finally spoke again. "Will you stay for dinner?" he asked, his voice quiet.

Seungmin hesitated, then nodded. "If you wish it," he said.

Minho smiled faintly. "I do," he said. "I think... I would like to know you better, General Kim."

Seungmin's expression softened ever so slightly, although the sadness in his eyes remained. "As you wish, Prince Minho," he said.

The two men rose from their seats and made their way back to the palace, the silence between them no longer as heavy as before. Though they had only just met, there was a sense of understanding between them-an unspoken connection that neither of them fully understood yet.

But as they walked side by side, Minho couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. The beginning of something that would change both of their lives forever.


This is the first chapter of my story, welcome and enjoy the show.
Let me know if you want to ask anything about my fanfic.

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