Chapter 4: A Twist of Fate

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The boardroom was filled with the usual hustle of Zeel's music label, a place she knew all too well. The walls were lined with platinum records and framed photographs of the label's biggest stars, including Zeel herself. She walked in, ready for what she thought would be just another routine meeting. But the moment she stepped inside, she froze.

Sitting at the large conference table, casually chatting as if it were the most natural thing in the world, were Shivang and Krish. The sight of them together sent a jolt of surprise through Zeel, but she quickly composed herself and took her seat at the opposite end of the table.

The meeting hadn't officially started yet, so she took a moment to assess the situation. Shivang, as always, exuded an effortless charm, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed confidence that seemed to draw everyone's attention. Krish, on the other hand, looked more focused, his expression thoughtful as he listened to the producer beside Shivang—a woman Zeel had come to despise.

Her name was Natasha, and she was infamous within the industry for her manipulative ways and her habit of clinging to powerful men like Shivang. Natasha had a reputation for stepping over others to get what she wanted, and her flirtatious demeanor around Shivang was no secret. She was all fake smiles and exaggerated laughs, always hanging on Shivang's every word, and Zeel could barely stand to be in the same room as her.

The producer, Mr. Kapoor, who headed Zeel's label, finally called the meeting to order. "Alright, everyone, let's get started. We have an exciting project on the horizon, and I want all of you involved."

He gestured to Shivang and Natasha with a smile. "We're planning a music video for our next big hit, and I want Zeel and Krish to write the song. Shivang and Natasha here will star in it."

Zeel's stomach twisted at the thought. Natasha and Shivang together? It was like a bad dream. She couldn't imagine working on something that would put them both in the spotlight. Her immediate reaction was to refuse."Mr. Kapoor, I'm not sure this is the right project for me," Zeel said, her voice firm. "I'm not comfortable with the idea."

Natasha's eyes flicked to Zeel, a knowing smirk playing on her lips as she leaned closer to Shivang, her hand casually resting on his arm. "Oh, come on, Zeel," she purred. "It'll be fun. Besides, you wouldn't want to let your fans down, would you?"

Zeel's eyes narrowed at Natasha's words, but before she could respond, Mr. Kapoor interjected. "Zeel, I understand your concerns, but this is a big opportunity. The chemistry between all of you will be fantastic, and I'm sure you'll create something amazing."

Krish, who had been quiet until now, leaned forward, giving Zeel an encouraging smile. "Let's do it, Zeel. We can make it work. It'll be a great challenge."

Zeel hesitated, her frustration growing, but the way Krish looked at her made it hard to say no. She trusted him, and if he thought they could pull it off, maybe they could. Reluctantly, she nodded. "Fine. I'll do it."

The rest of the meeting passed in a blur. Natasha continued to be her usual clingy self, fawning over Shivang, who didn't seem to mind at all. Zeel's irritation simmered just below the surface, but she kept it in check, determined not to let Natasha get under her skin.

As soon as the meeting ended, Zeel made a beeline for Jesna, who had been waiting for her outside. "You won't believe what just happened," Zeel fumed, recounting the details of the meeting. "Natasha is insufferable, and now I'm stuck writing a song for a video where she's all over Shivang. I can't stand it."

Jesna listened patiently, nodding in understanding. "I get it, Zeel. Natasha's a piece of work, but you're strong. You can handle this. Just focus on the music and block out the rest."

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