Chapter 9: The Morning After

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Zeel was rudely awakened by the sound of Jesna's frantic voice. The door to her bedroom flew open, and Jesna barged in, holding a tablet with the screen turned towards Zeel.

"Zeel! Get up! You have to see this!" Jesna exclaimed, her eyes wide with panic.

Zeel groaned, pulling the covers over her head. "What is it, Jesna? It's too early for this."

Jesna wasn't having any of it. She yanked the covers off, causing Zeel to sit up reluctantly. "It's not too early when you're all over the news! Look at this!"

Zeel rubbed her eyes and took the tablet from Jesna, blinking as she focused on the screen. Headlines from multiple entertainment news outlets screamed at her:

"Secret Romance? Zeel and Shivang Spotted on an Intimate Dinner Date!"Bollywood Buzz"New Power Couple in Town? Zeel and Shivang Fuel Relationship Rumors"Celebrity Insider"Sparks Fly Between Zeel and Shivang – New Couple Alert!"Star Scoop

Zeel's eyes widened as she scrolled through the articles, seeing pictures of herself and Shivang from the previous night, smiling at each other and seemingly deep in conversation.

"This... this is bad, isn't it?" Zeel asked, looking up at Jesna.

Jesna nodded, her expression serious. "It could be, especially if people start thinking you're involved with him. It could overshadow your music career, and who knows what else."

Zeel sighed, tossing the tablet onto her bed. "It was just dinner. We're not even friends... not really."

Before they could continue the conversation, the doorbell rang. Jesna looked at Zeel, who shrugged and got out of bed to answer the door.

Standing there was Krish, his expression a mix of concern and sadness.

"Krish, what are you doing here so early?" Zeel asked, stepping aside to let him in.

Krish walked in, his usual bright demeanor noticeably dimmed. "I saw the news," he said, his voice heavy with something unspoken.

Zeel gestured for him to sit down. "Yeah, it's all over the place. But it's just a misunderstanding."

Krish sat down, fidgeting with his hands. "Are you sure? I mean... you and Shivang... is there something going on?"

Zeel sighed, sitting across from him. "No, Krish. It's just the start of a friendship, if that. There's nothing between us."

Krish nodded, but he didn't look convinced. "Okay... I just... I needed to hear it from you."

Before the conversation could go further, Zeel's phone buzzed. It was a call from Shivang.

"Hold on, it's Shivang," Zeel said, answering the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Zeel. I've arranged a press conference to clear things up. Can you be there?" Shivang's voice was calm, but there was an underlying urgency.

Zeel agreed, and after hanging up, she looked at Krish. "We're having a press conference to deny the rumors. It should help."

Krish simply nodded, still lost in his own thoughts.

At the Press Conference:

Later that day, Zeel and Shivang arrived at the venue for the press conference. As they approached the gathered media, the paparazzi's cameras flashed incessantly, capturing every step they took.

Once they were seated, the questions began pouring in.

"Are you two dating?" one reporter asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Shivang leaned forward, flashing his most charming smile. "Well, we did have dinner last night, but it wasn't exactly what you'd call a date."

Zeel could feel the tension in the room as Shivang continued, his tone playful. "Let's just say, if we were dating, I wouldn't be hiding it. After all, who wouldn't want to be seen with someone as amazing as Zeel?"

The room filled with laughter, the tension easing as the reporters giggled at his flirtatious remark. Zeel couldn't help but smile, though she discreetly nudged him with her foot under the table.

After the press conference, they headed back to the car, with Zeel feeling a bit more relieved. The media seemed to have bought the story, and the rumors were beginning to die down.

Back at the Studio:

The following day, Zeel and Krish found themselves back in the studio, preparing to record a new song together. Their producer had a new music video planned, and the song was a romantic, yet heartbreakingly sad ballad.

As they went through the lyrics, Zeel noticed Krish growing more and more emotional. His voice, usually so strong and confident, wavered as he sang the lines:

"I see you in my dreams, but you're just out of reach,
A love that I long for, but can never keep.
Your heart belongs to another, and I'm left to weep,
In the shadows of what could be, what could be..."

As Krish sang the final verse, Zeel saw tears glistening in his eyes. He quickly turned away, trying to compose himself, but it was clear that the lyrics had struck a deep chord with him.

Zeel walked over to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Krish... are you okay?"

Krish wiped his eyes, giving her a sad smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... this song, it's really hitting close to home."

Zeel looked at him with concern, her heart aching for her friend. "Krish, if there's something you need to talk about..."

Krish shook his head. "It's nothing, really. Just... sometimes the feelings you have for someone, they're not always returned."

There was a heavy silence between them as Zeel realized what he was trying to say. She took a deep breath, knowing she had to be honest with him.

"Krish... you know I care about you a lot. But the feelings I have for you... they're just as a friend, nothing more."

Krish's face fell, but he nodded, trying to smile. "I understand. I just... I hoped maybe..."

Zeel leaned in and kissed him gently on the cheek. "You're an amazing person, Krish. And one day, you'll find someone who loves you the way you deserve. But that person isn't me."

Krish looked at her, his heart heavy but accepting her words. "Thanks, Zeel. I needed to hear that."

As they left the studio, Zeel couldn't shake the sadness she felt for Krish. She cared for him deeply, but not in the way he wanted. She could only hope that he would find the happiness he deserved, even if it wasn't with her.

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