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i can do it with a broken heart


𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 she'd been away from camp for years, rather than months.

Usually, she wasn't a year-rounder. She stayed for the summer, then went home to her father to continue high school. After she graduated, she decided to stay at camp for the entire year, since there wasn't much for her to return to. Her dad was busy with his work and she didn't have friends there.

But, in camp she had Luke. Annabeth too. Now, she had neither of them.

One had left to spend the year with her dad. The other had betrayed the camp. Not exactly ideal.

So, Maisie Day had spent that year at home. The first couple of months consisted of her nursing the heartbreak she'd endured, and the next few included working, as many hours as they'd allow her.

She had gotten a job at a local café, simply to pass the time. An entire year alone with the thoughts that plagued her since summer sounded impossible.

She did end up hanging out with her coworkers sometimes, but that was over now.

Maisie quit her job the moment the calendar showed June first, and made her way to camp, exchanging half-hearted goodbyes with her father. She was ecstatic to go back home, see her friends, see Chiron, even Mr D, and escape from the New York mortal monotony. But, camp wasn't how she had left it.

Apparently, Thalia's tree that provided a magical barrier, protecting the camp from monsters intruding, had been poisoned. In result, Argus, the head of security, and Chiron, the activities director, had been fired. In his place came Tantalus, who was worse than Mr D. He despised demigods and was incredibly unfair and sour.

He reinstated the chariot races, which had been banned due to their dangerous nature. Camp Half-Blood had endured many casualties from these races, so everyone thought it was rather insane to bring them back.

Despite Maisie's and Annabeth's efforts to convince Tantalus of the races' danger, he didn't budge and the girls were forced to compete. They drove a chariot together, although they didn't get a chance to win, since they were busy fighting the Stymphalian birds that had attacked everyone.

Nevertheless, Clarisse had managed to make it to the finish line and Tantalus had praised her and shamed the rest for fighting the birds.

Percy had been driving with Tyson, his new half-brother, claimed by Poseidon, who happened to be a Cyclops. That was new. Cyclopes were considered monsters and typically monsters weren't allowed in camp, but he was an exception. He was harmless and friendly, despite what most thought of him.

Speaking of Percy Jackson's friends, Grover was missing. In an attempt to call for help, he had created an empathy link with Percy and had contacted him in his dream.

So, camp was doing fine.

After the race, Percy, Tyson, Annabeth and Maisie had been punished to wash dishes, for "disrupting" the race.

While they were scrubbing the disgusting left-over contents off plates and bowls, Percy told them about his dream. He'd seen Grover in a wedding dress, about to be wed to the infamous Cyclops, Polyphemus. Just everyday things.

Grover had been approved to go look for Pan, the god of nature. It was a satyrs' thing to look for him, but many went missing forever during their search. Grover, thankfully, had help coming his way.

Percy also mentioned that Grover had found it. He and Maisie seemed equally confused about what the satyr had found, but Annabeth caught up quickly.

𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐌, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now