Chapter 6

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I go into my room and open the blinds. Snow is asleep, cuddled up on the pillow on my bed. I don't want fur on my bed but it feels wrong to bother it when it's sleeping so peacefully. I just let it be and go to change my clothes to something more comfortable. I sit at my desk. I start to study.

That's what I did until 1. 09am. I got up to use the bathroom once and Kayla brought a sandwich at mid-day. I kept my head on the table and slept for half an hour but besides that I didn't do much of anything but study.
I look at my phone: it's past twelve. I didn't know I started a new day so soon. Today is a Saturday so I don't have to go to classes or work so that was something.

When I finally get up to leave my stomach pains and I realise the only thing I had eaten for the whole day was a sandwich. I don't know if my father would approve of that. No wonder I'm so thin. Snow is no longer on my bed, it's probably sleeping with Kayla. I leave my bedroom; the apartment is quiet. I don't bother to turn on the lights and just work with the dim light coming from the lamp on the small table beside the couch.
I go into the open kitchen pantry and open the fridge to grab a soda. I was about to open it and my eyes roll up.

It lunges at me

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It lunges at me. It pins me down and laughs like a hyena. I shove the can in its mouth before its teeth claw down at me. It bites down on the mental and I claw to stand. I dart to grab the knife on the counter. It laughs. I grab the dog at its fur and stab it in the face. It screams. I stab it again and again and again and the blood shoots out. I remember how people had cheered  during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris: raising their fist high into the sky and punching the air like it was a British colonizer. I was doing the same thing but with a knife directed at a dog's face.

It grabs me by the collar and hurls me across the the room. The back of my head hits Kayla's door and my vision goes blurry. I groan. The thing jumps over the counter top. I grab my knife and run to the bathroom and shut the door. It bangs on the door and wonder what to do. Kayla. She's still out there. I curse under my breath that has hitched up. I don't have my phone. It will get in eventually. It screams at the door.

I sit down besides the cabinet under the sink. I hold the knife that dripping with a blood so red that it's black close to my chest. I try to calm my heavy breathing. I wait to see what happens. I wait it out.

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