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I woke up in the treehouse. I looked around and saw that Kendall and Hayes were gone and I was snuggled up to Nash. I climb down from the treehouse, which was difficult with my knee. I walked into the house and down the hall to the kitchen.
"Good morning, birthday girl." Hayes says as he gives me a kiss on the check.
"Mornin' to you too." I say as I sit down and starting eating the pancakes Elizabeth had fixed for breakfast.
" never told me what you wanted for your birthday, so I got you this." Hayes said as he pulls a long red velvet box. He pops it open. I turn around and he places a necklace around my neck and clips it. I look down at the necklace. It was silver and had a 'H' that dangled from the silver chain.
"H as in Hayes?" I say with a grin.
"Well...yeah." He says with a smile.
"Thanks Grier." I say as I give him a big hug.
"Anything for you, Jay." Hayes says as we pull apart. I see Nash and Cam have woken up and both of them and Kendall we're videoing us with smiles on their face.
"Well, we have presents for you too." Kendall says as she pulls out a large box from behind the table.
"Kendall-" I begin to say, but she cuts me off.
"Open it." She says with a smile. I do as she said and open the box. Inside I found a bunch of clothes and at the bottom was a plane ticket. It was to Cali.
"You didn't!" I say as I give her a hug.
"I got you and I both one, we're going to Magcon with the boys in one month!" She says and I can't help but smile. I love the fans and I couldn't wait to meet them. I've waited a long time to go on tour with the boys.
"Thank you so much Kendall." I say as we pull out of our hug.
"We have presents too!" Nash and Cam say.
"Thanks guys!" I say as I take the presents.
Nash got me a Magcon hoodie and a new pair of white low-top converse because I was in desperate need of another pair.
"Thanks Nashy." I say as I give Nash a hug.
Cam got me a bracelet. It was gold with the word 'Family' written in cursive. Along the outside of the bracelet was some words that were engraved into the it. It said, 'Know you are always loved, and welcome in our family.' I teared up a little and gave Cameron a big hug and cried happy tears into his chest.
"Hey Jayden, it's okay." He says as he attempted to calm me down.
"You don't understand how much those words mean to me." I say between soft sobs. Cam continued to stroke my hair and calm me down.
"Thanks Cam, for everything." I say as I pull myself together. Then, the door opens an I hear Taylor. I run to the door because I haven't seen Taylor and Matt for a little under a month. A week after the crash I remembered the main things about my life along with the main people in it. That's when I met Taylor and Matt.
Taylor and I have an interesting relationship where we "flirt" with each other, but it's totally fake and everyone just thinks it's funny.
Matt, Matt is a different story. We're those friends that secretly flirt on an off, but would never date, but that's how we like it.
I couldn't wait to see them. I run to the door and jump into Matt's arms.
"MATTHEW!" I yell as he picks me up.
"JAYDEN!" He mocks me.
"I feel the love Jay." Taylor says. I let go of Matt and walk over to Taylor. I give him a hug, "How is my favorite bandanna boy?" I say as I take off his red bandanna and tie it around my head.
"That's more like it," he says with a grin, "how is my bae, anyway?" He continues as we walk into the living room where everyone else is. I realize that I'm still in pajamas and probably look like crap because we slept in the treehouse.
"I'll be right back." I say as I begin walking to the stairs.
"Don't take long, Taylor and Matt have presents and then we're going out to lunch." Kendall says before I leave. I nod my head and walk upstairs to Hayes' room. I grab some white short shorts and my 'Cameron Dallas' shirt that Cam have me when I got out of the hospital. It was customized and said 'Baby Dallas' on the back at the top and had all the boys names on the back. I pulled my new converse out of the box and laid everything out for when I got out of the shower. I decide not to take the 'H' necklace off and just wear it. I hop in the shower and do everything I needed to do. Then, I got out and patted myself dry. I changed into the clothes I had laid out and loosely curled my hair. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs where there was a bunch of people.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled at once.
"Oh my goodness!" I say. I looked around and said 'hi' and 'thank you for coming' to everyone I saw. It was mostly people from school and girls off the team. Then, I saw Lizzy...I ran over to her and she saw me and we hugged for a long time.
"It's been awhile." She said as she began to cry a little.
"Yeah if has, it's been hard without you." I say as I begin to cry too.
"Your memories back, but your knee and elbow are still softball." She said quietly. I knew it killed her not having me out on the field, and knowing that I may never be able to play again. It killed both of us.
"So how is Coach Jim?" I say with a laugh as I wipe both our tears away.
"He was pissed when I told him you shattered your elbow and your knee." She said with a laugh.
"I would imagine he would be." I say.
It really does stink though, I was suppose to be team caption, but then the car crash happened and I never knew who ended up being voted caption.
"So are you caption now?" I say with a hint of sadness in my voice.
"Oh my gosh! That's what I forgot to tell you, you were voted team caption and Coach Jim wants your shattered ass on the field starting next week." She said as we both broke into laughter.
"There's the Liz I know." I say as I give her a hug again.

I talk to Liz most of the night since it's been awhile since I saw her, I talked to some of the people from school too. Now it's over and everyone went home except for Liz because Elizabeth said it was fine if she stayed considering it's my birthday and I haven't seen her in awhile. All the guys, Kendall, Liz and I finished cleaning up and are sitting out by the bon fire Nash made, roasting marshmallows. We are all cuddled up under blankets and it's silent until Matt breaks the silence, "Jay, you never told me that you were on the softball team at Davidson Day."
"Oh yeah, I am and apparently the girls voted me team caption even though my knee and elbow are shattered." I say.
"Damn girl, you didn't tell me that my bæ was a kick ass athlete." Taylor says as he starts laughing, causing everyone else to laugh. We all stayed by the fire and talked for hours beyond hours. It was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.
~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~ •• ~
Okay so here is an update now Jayden is finally 14 and Hayes is 15 now (he had a birthday, but I didn't write a chapter about it) I thought the 'H' necklace was sweet, but Cam was the real MVP for the bracelet.
I know the necklace idea with Hayes was a little corny, but I've been watching a lot of High School Musical, so sorry not sorry.

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment what you thought!

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