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Last few weeks of school, sophomore year. June sighs happily as she finishes applying her lip gloss, her hand sliding whenever there's a loud knock on the door, her little brother's squeaky voice cracking as he demands for her to vacate. She wipes the corner of her lips where she made her mistake and yanks the door open, glaring at the younger boy. "Watch it, freak," she grumps and brushes past him. "Some of us have school to get ready for."

"I have to get ready too, June," he says plainly, shoving past her and glaring at her from the doorway of the bathroom.

June presses her lips together, "like that's what you need the bathroom for. You're gross."

His face flushes bright red and he slams the door, leaving June grimacing to herself. She shakes her head and shuffles toward her sister's room, poking her head in as she leans against the door frame to observe the sight before her. Elena Gilbert, in all her glory, was dancing to music clad in her cheer uniform and a high pony, her smile wide as she ignores the presence of her siblings.

"Hey," June knocks on the wall, "earth to Hannah Montana. It's almost time to go, are you ready?"

Elena whips her head toward the girl and nods, cutting her music off swiftly. "Yes, but first, coffee."

"Aunt Jenna is not going to let you get away with that," June pipes up when Elena exits the room, following her older sister down the stairs toward the kitchen. Their aunt Jenna was visiting from her college campus for the weekend and June appreciated her sister's attempt at manipulation, but Elena just didn't have it in her.

"Hey," Jenna greets the two girls as they make their way into the kitchen. June sits at the table and leans back in her chair, folding her arms across her midsection.

"Addy locked herself in the bathroom doing her makeup, again," Elena complains. "Like the rest of us don't need the restroom, too."

The said girl smiles dryly, cocking her head to the side as she stares at her sister with a sarcastic gaze. "Take it up with Jeremy. I had to get in there before him. He's always in there, like... does he think we don't know what he's doing in there?"

Jenna cackles, "he's fourteen. They don't think."

Elena grabs the coffee pot while her aunt isn't looking but she doesn't get far, the ginger woman gasping and pulling it from the hands of the teenager. June admires the effort, but it could've been better executed.

"You'll get me in trouble," Jenna scolds the girl.

"Speak of the devil," June murmurs under her breath, peering over at her mother as she walks through the archway of the kitchen with a wide smile gracing her lips. The girl watches her mother with a loving gaze, her eyes observing her. June admired her mother's beauty, her simplicity, and the way she lit up a room without saying a word. She was definitely a mommy's girl.

"Good morning, girls," the older woman greets, pressing a kiss to Elena's cheek.

"Morning, mom."

June brightens up when her mother shuffles over to her, hugging her from behind her chair. "Morning, mommy." Miranda grins and presses a chaste kiss to the crown of her daughter's head, smoothing out her hair afterward and rounding the table to meet June's eyes. "I see you're all dressed up for school."

June nods proudly and stands from her chair, spinning in a slow circle as to give her family a show. "I have to, mom. It's going to be the best end of year ever."


June walks side by side with her sister across campus, her eyes scanning the paper in her hands for information on her classes next school year. Mystic Falls high handed out schedules months early for students who asked and well, June needed to be as prepared as possible. Bonnie walks next to her and Matt Donovan walks next to Elena, the pair hand in hand. The two have a new relationship, as Elena likes to call it. June calls it disgusting, seeing as her sister looks like she'd want to be anywhere else but by Matt's side, but that's none of her business, per Elena. The two were fraternal twins so if it was anyone's business, it was June's, but Elena liked to pretend the two lead separate lives that aren't totally intertwined with the other. Really, the only thing different about them were their best friends and their romantic interests.

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