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June walks side by side with her sister along the sidewalk of the school campus, her eyes cast downward as she listens to Elena gush about Stefan. He had visited her the prior night after the party at the falls, informing the Gilbert he wanted to check in on her after she witnessed the gruesome attack against Vicki Donovan. June sat with the couple for about ten minutes, sharing a few short words with the Salvatore before bidding them both goodnight. Of course, she eavesdropped when she had the chance, wanting to vet the boy before he made any moves on Elena.

"He was a perfect gentleman," Elena compliments the boy. "He just sat there while I talked. It didn't feel like he had ulterior motives, you know?"

June side eyes her, "I know. I was waiting for him to make a move all night. Trust me, I would've heard if he had."

Elena gapes and slaps her sister on the arm, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

June thinks it's sweet, her sister finding someone that makes her this giddy. Elena needed an excuse to abandon her evenings in the cemetery, and if Stefan was that reason, so be it. June didn't have to know the boy to approve of him. His name not being Matthew Donovan was enough for the younger twin.

"Do you like him?" June wonders.

"I... like spending time with him."

"Then, that's all that matters. What everyone else thinks doesn't."

"My judgement was just so clouded with Matt," the brunette confesses with a frown. "What he did doesn't hurt for obvious reasons, but still. We've been best friends since we were little... how could my judgement have been so wrong?"

June pauses, "despite what you tell yourself, you do love him. Not the way he wants you to, but you do. Rose colored glasses don't just exist in relationships. Everyone has them."

"I should've just listened to you and never dated him in the first place."

The younger Gilbert shakes her head, denying Elena's statement. June was a pesimist, believing the worst in everyone around her. She's robbed herself of life experiences due to her mistrust in everyone and the last thing she wants is for Elena to have the same fate.

"You let yourself try," June says. "That's more than I would've done. I think you're brave for trying, even when you believed it would fail."

Elena glances at June with a small smile, raising her eyebrows. "Who are you and what have you done with my humbug?"

"A momentary second of mania," June jokes morbidly. "Don't mention it. Ever."

Elena laughs lightly before sobering up, elbowing June in the ribs. "Incoming."

"Ow," the girl whines before looking up. Matt walks toward them with a sorrowful smile, waiting for the two girls and falling into step beside them. June would usually detest his presence but since he was going through a tragedy, she'd make an exception. "Matthew," she greets. "How are you?"

"I really wish you'd quit calling me that," he huffs.

"So, how's Vicki?" Elena asks, cutting the tension between the two.

"They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow."

June nods in approval at the news, feeling a slight relief. The Donovan's weren't her favorite people, but she felt sympathy for what Vicki must be going through. The girl didn't seem to have luck as it is, then to be attacked in the middle of the woods when you're attending a party? Talk about trauma.

"That's good news," Elena sighs.


"Did you get in touch with your mom?"

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