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After the previous nights events, June broke into her aunt Jenna's liquor cabinet and is currently dealing with a major hangover. From the pills and the alcohol. She's retired her prescription medicine to her dresser drawer to give herself a break, but now she's sorely regretting her decision as she sits here in front of two scorned lovers. Elena and Stefan. Her sister... and a vampire.

She had her suspicions, but a part of her didn't want to believe what she'd overheard her parents speaking about years before. Accepting there's a supernatural world out there just damages June and her siblings further and she wasn't prepared for that yet.

"You said you would explain everything," Elena says stiffly, sitting across from the Salvatore. June sits next to her, her dull eyes observing Stefan as he sits under interrogation. "That's why I asked you to meet us here. When you google vampire, you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?"

"I can tell you whatever you guys want to know."

"I know you eat garlic," Elena mutters.

June side eyes her sister before reaching up and rubbing her temples, hoping to massage the throb out of them. She notes Stefan's watchful gaze on her but she doesn't think he has much room to judge, being a vampire and all.

"Somehow, sunlight's not an issue," the brunette speaks again.

The younger Gilbert twin perks up when the waitress arrived with a tray of their drinks, three steaming coffees and a tall glass of water being sat in front of them. June wastes no time in grabbing her coffee and taking a greedy sip, relishing in the sting against her tongue.

"We have rings that protect us," Stefan informs the two girls once the waitress leaves. He wiggles his finger, showing off the gaudy ring he never takes off.


"He's not a demon, Elena," June murmurs tiredly.

"June's right," Stefan nods. "They're just decorative."

"Holy water?"




Elena hesitates before clearing her throat, "you said you don't kill to survive."

"Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful."

June furrows her brows, sending the boy a look of disapproval. "You let him get involved with Caroline?"

"Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me."

"He was hurting her!" Elena argues.

"He was feeding on her," Stefan corrects her. June gapes at his choice of words. Like that's any better. "He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her, he would have."

"I don't know if you've seen Caroline lately, but she definitely knows something happened to her," June gripes.

Stefan sighs, "none of this is okay, June, I know that, but I can't take back something I didn't do."

June folds her arms across her chest and sinks down into her chair, breaking the intense gaze between she and Stefan.

"Are there any others, aside from you and Damon?" Elena questions.

"Not in Mystic Falls, not anymore."

"Not anymore?"

"There was a time when this town was... very much aware of vampires, and it didn't end well for anybody. That's why it's important that you don't tell people."

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