[Prologue - 00]

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Eight years ago

One hand washes the other. That's how the saying goes. And thats how the Carusos and Alvarez' did it.

They built their empire on one another, helping out when there's a financial issue, sharing customers and most of all, built a reputation.

Illegal stuff was going on behind the scenes, but as long as the media didn't find out, there was no reason for concern.

Until there was.

It'd been a few weeks since everything went down, our families weren't working anymore. Not together at least.

It'd all happened after my eighteenth birthday party. I didn't want to throw one, an occasion like that is just a cover for business they were dealing with behind the doors. To empty the pockets of billionaires and make a fortune of it.

Everything has been off since. My mother didn't talk with Señora Alvarez as usual and my father didn't come out of his office.

I heard them argue every day since. Not one night ended without screaming, or worse.

And when they'd called us all in for a meeting with the Alvarez family, I'd known it's all about to go down.

I wasn't wrong.

Because at that exact moment, two weeks after my birthday party, two of the most powerful families of New York sat in a big room.

Yet, it didn't seem big enough to hold the tension.

The Colombians were on the left side of the room, while the Italians stood on the other. The division couldn't be more obvious.

I didn't say much and hadn't before, yet a few eyes were on me while mumbling and murmurs began to fill the room.

That was when I noticed that I'm the only child here.

Where are the others?

Where is Nathaniel?

Where is A-

"He's not ready." My father gritted to the angry man in front of him.

"He has to be, or the deal is gone." Pablo Alvarez sat at the edge of his seat, too angry for my liking.
He wasn't an angry man, which makes everything so much more confusing.

"Fine." My father spits, "I'll do what you want and you give me what belongs to me." He stretches out a hand, the ultimate way to seal a deal.

Pablo took the hand with no hesitation, shaking it in his. And soon after, the room emptied and it was only me inside.

But it didn't stop at this weird meeting. No, that was only the beginning of what was about to come.

Almost a year after the deal sealing, a war broke out. The Colombians had betrayed our trust and broke the deal.

The press had heard of it and it damaged our reputation. The Alvarez' took that chance and went into hiding, cutting the ties with almost every company, their only income coming from their investment and private clients.

We couldn't get ahold of them.
It had sent the Italians into a unimaginable rage, but as the years passed and the Alvarez' didn't come back, everything slowly settled down.

There was that one time I had the courage to ask my father about them.

"Ci hanno traditi e usati. Hanno rubota qualcosa che non apparteneva a loro e si sono nascosti come codardi." he spits. But when he turned fully to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, something flashed through his eyes. A warning.
("They betrayed and used us. They stole something that didn't belong to them and hid like cowards." ||Italian)

"Quando prenderai in mano la nostra azienda, dovrai promettermi che non ti fiderai mai dei colombiani." he tightened his grip and yanked me forward when I didn't answer. "Capito?"
("When you take over the business, you have to promise me that you will never trust the Colombians. Understand? || Italian)

Why would they do something like that? Everything went well, until it didn't.

My train of thought came to a halt when the realization of what he just said hits.

When I take over the company?

My eyes widen as I shake my head, "But papà, I can't-"
"Promettimelo, Lorenzo." his nails drilled into my skin. ("Promise me, Lorenzo." || Italian)

As the fear took over me, I promised him my unconditional loyalty. And when you make a promise to Gabriele Caruso, you are ought to fulfill it. Unless you want to regret it your whole life, that you ever dared to brake it.

So that's how my hate towards the Alvarez has grown into an unhealthy rage. Once my father handed me our business in America, I had every intention to use my power and make them regret their betrayal.

Until she came along.

∞ ∞ ∞

What do we think of this?

I promise, the next chapters won't be this short and boring. Also, this was a flashback, so it's in past tense. And I fucked up, because I'm not the best so please don't hate me lol. The rest of the story will be in present tense tho.

I know you must have a lot of questions, but they are going to be answered throughout the story dw.
Anyway enjoy reading and bye.

Love, A

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