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The next morning, Aurelia awoke to an empty bed. Noxus' absence left her cold.

As she stood to find him, she realized she was still naked. As she opened his wardrobe, she found a dark green and flowing dress with a gold ropelike belt. Placing it on her body, she felt the satin roll down each of her curves.

As she walked out of the bedroom, she heard happy chatter coming from the dining room. Starting her descent down the stairs, she admitted each fleck of gold on the handrail as her hand touched it.

Reaching the large dining area, she saw a sight that made her heart grow. The basilisks that had been brought in the previous night, along with Orin, Astrid, and Noxus, sat around the most extensive table in the room, with Noxus at the head. The laughter from the basilisks made her feel as if she had belonged here her entire life.

Her thoughts were disrupted as Nous said, "My queen, come, eat, grace us with your presence."

When the words left his mouth, the men and women around the table stood and bowed to her.

She found the only open chair was at the other end of the table, she took her seat as she watched Noxus. The people continued with their chatter and laughs. Noxus stared at her as she looked at him. She needed to be closer to him.

"My king," Aurelia said, causing the noise around them to halt. "I wish to sit next to you, but I am afraid that is not part of your custom."

Noxus shot her a look of amusement. "You would be correct, but we could make a new custom." He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me before turning to look around the table to see if there were any objections.

"We could put..." He looked around the table again before his eyes stopped on Orin. "The king's vizier at the other head of the table, and my mate could sit to the right of me."

The group around the table looked around.

"And who would your vizier be, my king?" Aurelia asked. She knew he had chose Orin from the look that he had given him when he had looked around the table.

"Orin," Noxus said as he gestured towards him, "And his mate, Astrid, will sit at his right side as the queen's vizier."

The people at the table smiled and nodded their heads as they looked to each other with excitement.

Aurelia pushed back her seat and found herself next to Noxus as she waited for the rearrangement of the seating. His hand made its way to her back before slipping onto the curve of her butt, where he grabbed a handful.

Her face reddened, and she tried to hold still so as not to draw attention.

The moment everyone else was in their seats, she sat at hers.

Noxus kept his eyes on her as they ate, and the table around them chattered. She felt his hand on her knee, making strokes up towards her thigh and back down.

Her stomach was churning and she didn't feel as if she could eat much, but she tried, only managing a few bites.

She excused herself from the table and made her way back to the bedroom.

Noxus was conflicted. He knew something was bothering her and wanted to go speak with her, but he also needed to help Orin with how to handle the men's training. He decided he would get them started and then come back in to check on Aurelia.

When he stepped back into the castle after showing Orin the ropes, he spotted Aurelia standing at the top of the stairs. Her face flushed red.

He took the steps two at a time before he stood before her. Her breath hitched when he grabbed her butt with both hands and lifted her to his level. As he walked to the bedroom, he wondered if this was what was bothering her, the need for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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