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The morning after her steamy encounter with Noxus, Aurelia found herself in her room again. The book she was reading was placed next to her on the table.

As if he knew she had woken, Noxus came to the door. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. I made you some food if you're hungry."

Aurelia found herself smiling at his second reference to Disney, this one not being brought up by her.

A low rumble of growled from her stomach causing her to hop out of bed and follow Noxus down the large staircase to the small kitchen table. He brought over the food, pancakes, sausage, toast, and bacon, and sat down across from her.

"Sorry, we don't serve eggs," he said with a shrug.

Aurelia was taking a drink of water as he said this and almost spit it out with the realization of what he said.

Choking on the water, she recovered and said, "That's alright; I don't like them anyway."

With a smirk, he placed some food on his plate and started eating. She soon followed suit. Settling into their meal, she felt a hand cover her own that had been sitting on the table.. Looking up she saw that he was still eating with his free hand and gave a small smile.

"Is this okay?" he asked.

She wasn't sure if he was referring to the food or his hand on hers. Either way, the answer was the same.

Swallowing her food, she managed out, "yes."

Noxus smiled and continued to eat his meal. They finished their breakfast in silence, enjoying the food and each other's presence.

Aurelia grabbed the plates from the table and started walking towards the sink to wash them. Noxus gave a smile as he realized she was caring for the house, and himself. He had never experienced this outside of the maids that they had in their castle before the dragon attack.

He shook himself from his thoughts and told her that he had planned on hunting today.

"You hunt for your food?" she asked.

She had never thought of what his day to day life consisted of, especially since finding out he was the only one who lived here.

"I hunt for our meat. I normally get other produce from the city," he said as he stood.

He walked over to her, standing halfway behind her, and kissed her ear. She felt shivers run through her body.

"Could I go with you?" she said in an attempt to shake herself out of the tension that had arisen in her core.

Noxus was struck silent, not expecting her to ask. His feelings welled inside of him, proud that she was wanting to spend time with him on something most women would not want any part of.

He couldn't find his words, afraid to scare her off. He nodded his head in answer. The smile that lit up her face made his stomach drop. He was falling hard in more than just the sense of a mate. Aurelia was everything that he had ever wanted. She was the perfect woman in his eyes.

Rushing out of the kitchen, he found some hunting gear and clothing for himself and Aurelia. He presented it to her as she wrapped up the dishes. She grabbed the clothes out of his hand and gave him a wink as she walked to the stairs to ascend them. She swayed her hips and as she was halfway up the stairs shot a look back at him. He had watched her with a passionate look, making her face turn red as she hurried up to her room to get changed.

They left the house, hand in hand as they walked through the tall grass to a more wooded area. Pulling on his bow he explained how it worked. She could feel Noxus press against her back as he helped her with sighting and pulling her arm back. The situation felt natural to her, both holding the bow and being so close to him.

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