Chapter 15- June

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As we made our way back to Stella's booth, the warmth of the afternoon sun was beginning to wane, casting long shadows over the festival grounds. The earlier excitement from the race still buzzed in my veins, and I found myself more attuned to the sounds and scents around me—the lively chatter of the crowd, the sweet aroma of caramel apples mingling with the earthy scent of fallen leaves. It was as if the day had cracked open a part of me I hadn't realized was closed off, and I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of anticipation, as though something significant was waiting just around the corner.

Sky skipped ahead, her sunflower bobbing in her hand like a beacon of light amidst the sea of people. Graham walked beside me, his pace easy, his presence solid and reassuring. There was a new ease between us, a comfort that hadn't been there before, and I found myself stealing glances at him, curious about what he might be thinking.

We reached Stella's booth just as she was finishing up with a customer. She looked up, a smile lighting her face as she spotted us. "How did the race go?"

"Almost won," Graham said with a wink in my direction. "But I think we'll need a bit more practice if we're going to take first place next year."

"Next year?" I echoed, raising an eyebrow at him. "Who said anything about next year?"

"Oh, you'll be back," Stella chimed in, her tone teasing. "Once you get a taste of the competition, it's hard to resist."

Sky, who had been distracted by a nearby booth selling handmade bracelets, suddenly tugged on her dad's sleeve. "Dad, can I get one? Please?"

Graham glanced down at her, his expression softening. "Of course, sweetheart. Let's go take a look."

As they wandered off, I found myself lingering at Stella's booth, my gaze following them. There was something about the way Graham interacted with Sky that always struck a chord with me—the effortless way he balanced being a parent and a friend to her, the gentle way he guided her through the world. It was a dynamic that was both foreign and fascinating to me, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be a part of something like that.

Stella's voice broke through my thoughts. "You've got that look again."

I turned to her, feigning ignorance. "What look?"

She narrowed her eyes, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "The one that says you're thinking about things you're not quite ready to admit."

I sighed, leaning against the edge of the booth. "It's complicated, Stella."

"Isn't it always?" She handed me a small bouquet of lavender, her gaze sympathetic. "But that doesn't mean it's not worth exploring."

Before I could respond, a sudden commotion near the bandstand caught our attention. The crowd had thickened, and there was a ripple of concern moving through the people gathered there. I felt my stomach drop as I realized what might be happening.

"Sky," I murmured, already moving toward the sound.

Stella was right behind me as we pushed through the crowd, my heart pounding in my chest. When we reached the center of the commotion, my worst fears were confirmed—Graham was there, his face pale, his eyes wide with panic. Sky was nowhere to be seen.

"She was right here," he was saying to a group of concerned onlookers, his voice strained. "We were just looking at the bracelets, and then—she was gone."

A cold dread settled over me as I reached out to touch his arm. "Graham, we'll find her. She can't have gone far."

He looked at me, his expression a mix of fear and helplessness that sent a shiver down my spine. "June, I—this is all my fault. I should have been paying more attention."

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