Spider-man Homecoming Act 1

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Authors note: The acts will be separated by the breaks of the movie on Disney+ So each act should be around 1/5 of the film.

A film By Shinji Parker

As Shinji and Happy rode in the car, Shinji turned to him and asked, "Why do they call you Happy?" Happy didn't reply; instead, he simply closed the middle window of the car, separating them. Shinji glanced at his reflection, holding his camera in hand, capturing the moment.

They soon arrived at an airport. Happy glanced over at Shinji and said, "Pack your bag; we're getting on a plane to Berlin."

When they landed in Berlin, they quickly navigated through the airport and made their way to the hotel. Shinji, still recording everything, talked into the camera. "No one has actually told me why I'm in Berlin or what I'm doing here. Something about Captain America going crazy or something..."

As they reached their hotel room, Happy handed Shinji a case. Just as he was about to ask more questions, the door opened and Happy walked in. "Suit up," Happy ordered.

Shinji nodded but made the mistake of grabbing his homemade costume. Happy looked him up and down, frowning. "What the hell are you wearing?"

Shinji blinked in confusion. "This is my suit."

Happy pointed at the case. "What about the case?"

Shinji chimed in, "What case?"

Happy directed him towards the case on the bed. "Open it."

Shinji hurried over and opened the case, revealing a sleek new suit, similar to Peter's original one but with a striking white spider logo instead of black. His eyes widened in awe. "This might just be the coolest thing I've ever seen!"

"Put it on," Happy ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Shinji quickly put on the new suit, still vlogging everything with his camera. The footage cuts, and the next scene shows him at the airport, excitedly whispering into the camera, "Guys, I gotta go!" The camera then captures the moment when he uses his webs to snatch Captain America's shield right out of his hands.

The footage cuts again, this time showing a massive explosion in the background. Out of breath and exhilarated, Shinji addresses the camera, "Oh my god, you guys won't believe it, but I just got into a fight with Captain America! I stole his shield and threw it at him!" In the background, Ant-Man grows to his giant size, towering over everyone. "I gotta go!" Shinji exclaims, cutting the recording.

The next clip shows Shinji back in his hotel room, recapping the events of the day. He's excitedly talking to the camera when Happy suddenly barges in. "You need to calm down, kid. The walls in this hotel are thin."

The final clip shows Shinji in a car with Tony Stark. Tony glances over at him. "You doing a little video diary?"

Shinji grins. "Yeah."

Tony smirks and suggests, "We should probably come up with an alibi for your Aunt May, right?"

Shinji nods, and they start planning out their story. They decide to tell May that Shinji was at the Stark internship all weekend, doing an amazing job, and that everyone was impressed.

As they pull up to Shinji's apartment, Tony gives him some parting advice. "Don't do anything stupid, okay? Nothing I would do, and definitely nothing I wouldn't do. There's a little gray area in there, and that's where you operate."

Tony then moves to open the door for Shinji, but Shinji misinterprets the gesture and hugs him. Tony, surprised, raises an eyebrow. "We're not that close yet, kid."

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