Spiderman-Homecoming Act 3

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Authors note: Bear with if there are plot holes this is like on of my first time writing a story In like 9 months.

As the scene opens, we see the school news team excitedly covering the story about the dramatic events that unfolded during the nationals. The anchors speak with enthusiasm, showing clips of students and teachers expressing their gratitude toward Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man saved the day! We owe him so much!" one student says, their voice filled with awe.

"Spider-Man truly embodies the spirit of our school," a teacher adds, nodding in approval. "He's a hero, through and through."

The anchors shift their focus to what they call "Spider-Mania," a growing phenomenon among students. They encourage everyone to "show their spider spirit," mentioning that Spider-Man merch has started popping up around school.

Cutting to the hallway, we see Shinji walking with Ned. Students pass by, some excitedly talking about Spider-Man, others wearing shirts or pins with the Spider-Man logo. Ned glances around, his excitement barely contained.

"Can you believe it, Shinji?" Ned whispers, grinning. "You're famous, and nobody even knows it's you! Should we, I don't know...tell everyone?"

Shinji shakes his head immediately, his expression serious. "No way, Ned. It's not a good idea. The more people who know, the more dangerous it gets—for me and for them."

Ned sighs, clearly torn. "I guess you're right. But still, how cool would it be if everyone knew you were Spider-Man?"

Shinji rolls his eyes playfully. "Trust me, I'd rather keep the secret and avoid the craziness. Besides, there's more important stuff than being famous. Speaking of which," he adds, glancing at the time on his phone, "I'm not going to class."

Ned's eyes widen in surprise. "What? But you're already in trouble for ditching us during nationals! If you skip now—"

"I've got bigger things to worry about than school, Ned," Shinji interrupts, his tone firm but not unkind.

Just then, the principal, who had been standing quietly behind them, clears his throat. "Mr. Shinji," he says sternly, making both boys jump, "if you're not attending class, you'll be attending detention instead."

Shinji groans inwardly as Ned winces beside him. "Yes, sir," Shinji mutters, realizing that he's now caught between his responsibilities as Spider-Man and the consequences of his actions as a student.

The principal nods, his expression softening just a bit. "See you after school, Mr. Shinji. And next time, remember—education is important too." With that, he walks away, leaving Shinji and Ned to exchange a glance.

"Well," Ned says, trying to lighten the mood, "at least you'll have time to think about your next big superhero move during detention."

Shinji sits in detention, tapping his fingers impatiently on the desk. The teacher at the front of the room glances up from their papers and notices Shinji fidgeting.

"Where do you think you're going, Mr. Shinji?" the teacher asks as Shinji abruptly stands up, but Shinji doesn't respond. He's already heading for the door, his mind racing with the next steps he needs to take.

As he reaches the door, he notices MJ sitting a few rows back, doodling in her notebook. Surprised, he pauses and asks, "Why are you in here? You don't even have detention."

Without looking up from her sketchbook, MJ replies nonchalantly, "I just like to sketch people in crisis." She then flips her notebook around to show him a rather unflattering drawing of him, hunched over and looking stressed.

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