Chapter Five

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I opened my eyes from a dreamless night. The only images that stared back at me were the soft gray color of my bedroom walls and the art pieces that covered them.

By this time of the morning, tiny beads of sweat were already forming on my forehead, while I was recalling vivid images that foretold of up-coming danger.

The pulsing vibration of my iPhone alerted me to an incoming message. Not ready to give that any attention, I stayed focused on my thoughts.

Did I forget my dream? Who was I kidding? I never forget my nighttime premonitions.

I turned on my right side and stared at the painting of the fearless warrior woman hurling her shuriken. Out of all hanging art, it was the only piece that Carter commented on when he first entered my bedroom.

"Is that your alter ego?" He asked jokingly. I detected the slight note of respect in his voice. Slightly taken aback by his comment, I laughed it off, wondering what he would do if he realized the truth of what he said.

With no images to recollect from the night before, I headed for the coffee machine. Waiting for it to brew, I did a couple of stretches, Ace and Katie's dubious energy came to mind. The information that I picked up while being in their presence was intense, almost like in my dreams but in clips that depicted past and present danger.

When a dangerous situation presented itself, it did so in my dream state, giving me detailed information on how to handle the upcoming situation. With Ace and Katie, this situation felt more like a learn as I go experience. It was intense.

Pouring the near black coffee into the large yellow mug, I felt Ace's dark energy spill out. It was hard and unforgiving.

The fat-free creamer lightened the coffee to a cafe' Au Lait color, which made me reflect on Ace's comment about liking my tan. I'd heard those comments all my life.

One thing about Ace: he was a covert racist. He kept that part of himself under rap, similar to the covered-up swastika tattoo on his arm. If he knew my racial background, it would make him uncomfortable. I didn't plan on telling him.

Unlike Aces energy, the slightly bitter taste of the first sip of coffee felt warm.

Confused about my lack of dreams, I turned on the TV to see what skewed information the morning news was going to air today. To decipher what we are being sold by the news, analytical skills and emotional intelligence are needed to decipher fact from speculation. Even then, you can't always be sure of the information that you're getting.

The sad thing was that some people lived by the news, like it was the bible. Emotional intelligence was such an underrated skill. We'd be in much better shape as a society if it wasn't.

The newscaster, in his dark blue shirt with the small but visible Ralph Lauren logo on it, reported on another mass shooting, this time in Orange County. The yellow tape, and flashing lights of the ambulance, while people were huddled together crying, signaled an omen. Among the four dead, was a nine-year-old boy, who died in his mother's arms, from a single gunshot wound.

My heart bled; I couldn't stop her pain.

I wished my kind was planted in every city around the world to save lives. We would have monthly meetings and share ideas on how to stop the evil that seemed to lurk in every corner. Maybe at times we'd work in pairs.

There had to be others out there...somewhere.

I briefly thought about reaching out to well-known psychics that had websites and social media platforms. They helped the police solve crimes, unfortunately, after they have already happened. I wanted no part in any of that.

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