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Chapter 1: The Secrets of Selena Cross

The small town of Ravenwood had a rhythm, a pulse that echoed through its narrow streets and ancient trees. Most of the time, it was predictable, a monotonous hum that everyone grew accustomed to, but when Selena Cross walked by, the pulse quickened. Everyone knew Selena, the most popular girl at Ravenwood High. She was beautiful, effortlessly cool, and had an air of mystery that made people want to be near her. But something about Selena was off, something that no one could quite put their finger on—until now.

Lila Andrews had always been a wallflower, content to blend into the background while Selena shone like the sun. Lila was the girl who watched from the sidelines, her curiosity burning like a low flame. She watched Selena—watched the way the boys flocked to her, mesmerized by her beauty and charm. But what fascinated Lila the most was what happened after. One day, a boy would be wrapped around Selena's finger, and the next, he'd be gone—just like that. No explanations, no drama, just gone.

It was this mystery that had Lila's mind turning late at night, as she lay in bed staring at the ceiling. What did Selena do to them? Where did they go? And why did no one else seem to notice? Lila felt the questions gnawing at her, growing louder each day until she couldn't ignore them anymore.

That's when Lila decided she had to find out for herself.


The next morning, Lila made her way through the crowded hallways of Ravenwood High with a purpose. She knew this wouldn't be easy—getting close to Selena was like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. But Lila had a plan.

She kept her distance at first, observing from afar. Selena was always surrounded by her clique—giggling girls and envious boys—but Lila noticed something else. Selena had a routine. Every day, she disappeared right after lunch, heading towards the old abandoned wing of the school that had been closed off for years. It was an area no one ever went to—except for Selena.

One rainy afternoon, Lila decided to follow her.

Keeping a safe distance, she watched as Selena slipped down the corridor, her steps light and graceful. Lila's heart pounded in her chest as she trailed behind, her breath catching when Selena pushed open the heavy double doors at the end of the hall and disappeared inside. Lila hesitated, her hand trembling as she reached for the door handle. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the door open just enough to slip inside.

The air was cool, and the smell of dust and decay filled her nostrils. Lila found herself in a large, dimly lit room, its walls lined with old bookshelves and broken furniture. The windows were boarded up, allowing only slivers of light to cut through the darkness. Selena was nowhere in sight.

Lila's eyes darted around the room, her senses on high alert. She was just about to turn back when she heard it—a soft whisper, like the rustling of leaves in the wind. She froze, straining to listen. The whisper grew louder, more insistent, and Lila realized it was coming from somewhere behind the bookshelves.

Taking cautious steps, she moved towards the sound, her heart pounding in her ears. She reached a small, narrow door hidden behind a tattered curtain. It looked like it hadn't been opened in years. Without thinking, Lila pushed the door open, revealing a dark staircase leading down into the basement.

The whispers were louder now, echoing up from the depths below. Summoning all her courage, Lila descended the stairs, one step at a time, her hands trailing along the cold, damp walls for balance. At the bottom, she found herself in a small, dimly lit chamber. The air was thick with the scent of earth and something else—something metallic.

Lila's eyes adjusted to the gloom, and she saw Selena standing in the center of the room, her back to the staircase. She was leaning over something—a figure slumped against the wall, motionless. Lila's breath caught in her throat as she realized who it was—Tommy Granger, the star quarterback and the latest boy to fall under Selena's spell.

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