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I follow his instructions and search for a wardrobe. There is only one present, packed with garments, underwear, and sportswear. I grab a stack of clean clothes and start filling the bathtub. They could storm in at any moment, but I take my chances. I drop my pajamas and immerse myself in the warm water, which envelops every fiber of my body. This is exactly what I needed. Yet, I can't stop thinking about why I'm here. Then, a little voice tells me this is my chance—my chance at greatness. I try to ignore it, to convince myself I'm being irrational, but the feeling that I'm meant for something more, that this is my opportunity, persists. I feel like an idiot—this is real life, where people die, and I could die at any moment. Although I'm feeling better, I can't bring myself to care much about dying, except for the sadness I'd leave behind. The idea of the utter silence and darkness almost feels like a blessing, a break from reality. And then I wonder, if I can barely handle this reality, how could I possibly carry the weight of something greater?

After an hour of soaking in the delightful water, enjoying the various scents of the soap and overthinking everything, I lie down on the large bed. As I attempt to relax in the silence and clear my mind, I hear a sound—perhaps a voice. Carefully, I move along the walls, straining to listen. To my left, I hear a woman's voice, marked by screams and pounding against something. The sound is muffled by the walls but still penetrates through. I try to settle back on the bed, hoping she's just panicking and nothing serious is happening, but then other voices start to scream too, each new sound adding to the chaos. Every minute, the screaming grows louder, and after half an hour, it becomes almost deafening. My thoughts are overwhelmed by the hysterical yelling. I need to get out of here right now. I recall the doors I've seen, but first, I need to open the one in front of me. Just as I think this, the door swings open. Caiden stands in the doorway.

His hands grab my arms and pull me to the other side of the room. Before I know it, I'm pressed against the wall next to the window. His head is dangerously close, and I struggle to control my breathing, but it's futile. The arrogance he displayed earlier is gone; now, I see impatience in his eyes. He remains pale, his hands trembling like someone in withdrawal. His eyes turn red, and his fangs elongate. I feel his teeth and unnaturally long nails pierce my skin. A faint pain, followed by an overwhelming sensation that touches every part of my body simultaneously. It's a bizarre harmony, but everything feels unpleasant. Every repressed memory and feeling floods back to me. Every thought and word replays like scenes from my past.

"Stop!" I scream. Caiden releases me and looks at me with irritation. "I thought you weren't a screamer," he says, refocusing on my neck. "Make it stop!" I shout again. Anger, sadness, fear, and a vague sense of pleasure flow through me. It's too much to bear. It brings back memories of people and places I'd rather forget, like my very soul is being drained from me. "I said stop!" I push Caiden away, my breathing heavy and erratic. Caiden looks at me in astonishment. "You didn't like it?" he asks, as if it's a strange discovery. "You really didn't like it," he repeats with more wonder in his voice, as though he's had an epiphany. "Well, I still need energy," he adds with a grin.

His eyes change color again, from light brown to blood red. This time, he takes his time. He studies me like a predator inspecting its prey. I want to do something, but my brain seems to be on overload. What do you do against a being that wants to drain your energy? I don't even understand what it means or what kind of being he is. He's definitely not draining blood like a vampire. What I kinda thought he was.

"Stay calm," he says softly. He moves closer again, and I begin to tremble. "Sshhh, it'll be alright," he whispers, tracing his finger over my lips. His fangs grow longer again. All my emotions merge and overwhelm me, tears prickling at the corners of my eyes. "Calm down," he repeats. "Submit, stop fighting," he says, looking me straight in the eyes with those dark red pools. Slowly, my breathing slows. I let go and stop resisting the overwhelming sensation. The anger, fear, memories, and sadness drain from my body, leaving me with a strange pleasure. I let the emotions pass through, no part of me resists anymore. It feels intensely good. I arch my back as a sharp pain shoots through my body. A soft moan escapes me, and he presses me even harder against the wall. "Stay still."

I feel myself sinking, as if into water. Below me, I see my deceased father and grandfather; they reach their hands toward me, asking me to come with them, to stay and live here forever. I just feel so calm, so right—no stress, no worries. I swim toward them; they smile at me, and I realize how much I missed them. I see a chessboard at the bottom, my grandfather asking me to play, like I had always done as a kid. My dad, whom I've never actually met, looks like the perfect father—strong, kind, protective—and he looks at me like he's proud. He's truly proud of the girl in front of him, and I feel that's all I've ever really wanted. But just as I'm about to grasp their hands, I'm pulled upward. I turn to see my mother looking at me with pure disappointment, anger, no hatred. She looks like an angel of death floathing in the water.

"I knew you were stupid, that you like to hide and run from your problems, taking no responsibility, but this is so low." "Get off of me, I want to stay!" I scream, I never scream, normally I just sit and take it all in. But something has snapped. "Oh, come on, Alexandra. This is just one of your stupid fantasy scenes. This is not real. Real life is hard and unforgiving." "Let me go. I don't want real life." "No." "I want to be with them!" "With what? Corpses? The past where no one remains? Only death, corpses and memories? You can't hide from life, Alexandra." "Let me go," I whisper. "Look down," she commands, and I turn my gaze to see not my grandfather and father, but dead corpses reaching for me, their eyes hungry. My perfect bubble shatters as the corpse, wearing my family's sigil ring, grabs my ankle. "Show me that you are not as weak as I thought, Alexandra," my mother snaps. I look at the scene below, my dream lying in pieces. Real life is unforgiving and hard I tell myself. "I'm sorry," I cry as I kick the hand away, making the bones shatter and the corpse splinter and fall. I close my eyes as she pulls me toward the surface.

Under my breath, I mutter, "I hate you." to my mother. And suddenly It feels like I'm being pushed in an ice bath, I open my eyes to see Caiden looking down at me and the last thing I feel before I pass out are his arms around my legs and shoulders. 

Hi, thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoy it. I'm just starting out, so I imagine it might not be perfect. I would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts—what you liked, what you felt was missing, or anything you'd suggest changing. If you notice any spelling mistakes, please let me know. I'm open to all constructive feedback!

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