Chapter 3

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Author's POV

Ahana stood by the window, watching the early morning light gently touch the dew-laden leaves of the mango tree outside. It was a sight she had seen countless times before, but today, it felt different. Today, the world seemed to be holding its breath, waiting for something magical to happen. She couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement run down her spine as she thought about the festivities ahead. Little did she know that this simple act of observation would soon lead to a chain of events that would change her life forever.

Her heart raced as she picked out the perfect outfit for the fest. She had heard whispers of Adhwik Rishi Sharma's arrival, and the thought of sharing the same space with her idol made her palms sweat. Ahana had always been a fan of his soulful voice and the way his music seemed to speak directly to her soul. It was a strange feeling, one she hadn't felt since the days when she and Nisha had shared secrets and dreams.

As she descended the stairs, her excitement was met with a cold shoulder from Nisha. Nisha's eyes narrowed at the sight of Ahana's carefully chosen ensemble. "What's the occasion?" she sneered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Dressed up for the college fest, are we?"

Ahana ignored Nisha, her mind was too preoccupied with the day's events to let Nisha's spitefulness ruin her mood. She took a seat at the breakfast table, her brother noticing the exchange but remaining silent. Nisha had always been competitive with Ahana, but her spite had grown into something much uglier since Rohan had married Nisha.

The tension in the room was thick, but Ahana focused on her plate, her thoughts swirling with anticipation. She took a bite of her toast, the butter melting on her tongue, and savored the sweetness of the strawberry jam. It was a small comfort in the face of Nisha's unkindness, but it was enough to fuel her determination to make today special.

As she finished her breakfast, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Nisha, who was now busy flaunting her own attire for the day. Nisha's eyes met hers, a smug smile playing on her lips. Ahana knew that look all too well; it was the same one Nisha had worn when she had stolen the lead role in the college play that Ahana had worked so hard to earn. But today was different. Today, she had something that Nisha couldn't take away from her.

Ahana grabbed her bag and walked out the door, the chilly breeze kissing her cheeks as she stepped into the new day. The college was a buzz of activity, students scurrying around to ensure every detail was in place for the grand event. She could hear the distant sound of instruments tuning up and the hum of eager chatter filling the air. Her heart swelled with anticipation as she approached the college gates, her steps feeling lighter with every beat of her heart.

 Preeti spotted her from afar and rushed over, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh my god, Ahana, you came! my brother is already here!" Preeti's voice was a mix of awe and excitement. 

Ahana's heart skipped a beat. This was it. The moment she had been waiting for. The moment she would finally meet the person who had inspired her through countless nights of solitude and heartache.

They found a spot in the crowd, not too far from the stage where Adhwik would soon perform. Preeti chattered away, sharing the latest gossip and her own excitement about the festival, but Ahana's mind was elsewhere. She couldn't shake off the feeling of sadness that lingered from the morning's encounter with Nisha and Rohan. Yet, she pushed it aside, focusing instead on the anticipation that grew with every second that ticked by.

The program began with a flurry of performances, each one more mesmerizing than the last. The air was filled with the scent of popcorn and cotton candy, a sweet symphony that seemed to echo the festive spirit. Ahana watched, her eyes occasionally darting to the entrance where she knew Adhwik would appear. The sun grew higher in the sky, casting a warm glow over the college grounds, and still, he hadn't arrived.

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