Chapter 1

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Author's POV :

"Come on, sweetie, it's time to wake up," Shreya cooed gently, her voice a soft melody that filled the otherwise quiet room. The curtains danced lazily with the early morning breeze, allowing the first fingers of light to tickle the floorboards. Her baby girl, nestled in a tiny crib, stirred, her eyes slowly opening to meet her mother's warm gaze. Shreya felt a familiar rush of love and responsibility as she watched the little one yawn and stretch, her tiny hands reaching for the comfort of her mother's touch.

With practiced ease, she lifted Aradhya into her arms, the baby's soft giggles a delightful contrast to the morning's solemn silence. Together, they began the morning ritual that had become so precious to them both. The changing of the diaper, the gentle wash of the face, and the careful dressing of the baby in clothes that seemed too small every time she put them on. Shreya couldn't believe how quickly her little girl was growing.

The room was small, but it contained all the essentials: a bed, a crib, a chest of drawers, and a tiny kitchenette that barely had space for a hot plate and a sink. Yet, she had made it a home, filling it with warmth and care that no luxury could ever match. The walls were adorned with hand-drawn pictures that Aradhya had scribbled, a testament to the joy they shared in their modest abode.

Shreya's eyes fell on the clock, its hands pointing to the number 7. Time was ticking, and she had to hurry. She swaddled Aradhya in a light blanket and stepped out into the narrow corridor, the soft pitter-patter of her slippers the only sound echoing through the corridor. The aroma of breakfast cooking wafted from the neighbor's apartment, making her stomach grumble. But she had to push the hunger aside; there was no time to eat.

Orphaned at a young age, Shreya learned to navigate the world with resilience and courage. Despite the challenges of growing up in the foster system, she managed to complete her education and dreamed of a better life. Shreya's world was forever changed when she found baby Aradhya, discarded in a dustbin. With no one to turn to, she took the child in, her heart swelling with a love she didn't know she had. After a grueling period of unemployment, she secured a position at a local company, juggling the responsibilities of work and motherhood. Her background is one of struggle and perseverance, with the stark contrast of a mother's love shining through the hardships.

Mrs. Chaudhary, the elderly neighbor with a heart as warm as the sun, always had her door open. She had lost her own children to a tragic accident many years ago and had taken to Shreya like a mother hen. The moment she saw the two of them, she beamed, her eyes lighting up like diyas. "Good morning, my dear," she said, her voice crackling with affection as she took Aradhya into her arms. "How is my little sunshine today?"

Shreya felt a pang of gratitude for Mrs. Chaudhary's unconditional love. "Thank you," she murmured, placing a gentle kiss on Aradhya's forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can." With a final loving look at her daughter, she stepped out into the fresh morning, her mind already racing ahead to the day's tasks.

The office was a bustling hive of activity by the time she arrived. The other employees, most of them mothers themselves, greeted her with knowing smiles. They understood the juggling act she performed every day, balancing work and motherhood. Her boss, Mr. Kapoor, a stern but fair man, nodded curtly in acknowledgment as she clocked in. He had been supportive since the day she had found Aradhya, granting her the flexibility she needed to care for the baby.

The workday passed in a blur of spreadsheets and phone calls. Yet, Shreya's thoughts kept drifting back to Aradhya. Was she okay? Was she missing her mother? Shreya pushed these thoughts aside, focusing instead on the job at hand. Her position as an accounts manager was demanding, but it was the lifeline that kept a roof over their heads and food on the table.

As the clock approached 5 PM, Shreya felt a mix of relief and dread. She was eager to see her daughter, but she knew the evening would bring its own challenges. There was dinner to cook, a cranky baby to soothe, and a mountain of laundry to tackle. But she also knew that the moment she stepped into their little home, the weight of the world would lift from her shoulders, replaced by the warmth of Aradhya's smile.

Leaving the office, she walked briskly through the crowded streets, her mind racing with the plans she had made for the evening. There was a park nearby that Aradhya loved; perhaps they could visit after dinner. The baby's giggles as she swung on the park's small swing set always brought a sense of peace to Shreya's chaotic world.

The sun was setting by the time she reached Mrs. Chaudhary's apartment, casting a warm glow over the city's concrete sprawl. She could hear Aradhya's laughter from the corridor, mingling with the clank of pots and pans. Pushing open the door, she was greeted by the mouthwatering scent of freshly cooked rice and dal. Mrs. Chaudhary looked up from her stove, her eyes crinkling with happiness. "Look who's here," she said, turning off the gas and taking Aradhya's hand. "Your mother's home, little one."

Shreya took Aradhya into her arms, feeling the weight of the day's stress melt away with the baby's warm embrace. Aradhya looked up at her with those trusting eyes, and she knew that no matter what the world threw at them, they would face it together. They shared a quiet dinner, the only sound the clink of spoons and the occasional coo from the baby. Mrs. Chaudhary regaled them with stories of her own children, painting a picture of a life filled with joy and sorrow.

After dinner, they ventured out to the park, the cool evening air a welcome respite from the day's heat. Aradhya's eyes grew wide with wonder at the sight of the swings, her tiny legs kicking in excitement. Shreya felt a twinge of sadness, knowing that the baby had no memory of her own mother, but she pushed it aside, determined to fill her life with happiness. They spent the next hour playing, laughing, and sharing moments that would become cherished memories for both of them.

The sun had dipped below the horizon by the time they returned home, casting the room in a gentle, amber glow. Aradhya's eyelids grew heavy with sleep, and Shreya knew it was time for bed. She sang a lullaby, the same one Mrs. Chaudhary had taught her, as she rocked Aradhya in her arms. The baby's eyes slowly closed, her breathing deepening into the rhythm of slumber.

After placing Aradhya in her crib, Shreya took a moment to watch her daughter sleep. The soft rise and fall of her chest, the little snuffles she made in her dreams, filled her heart with a love so fierce it was almost painful. With a gentle kiss on the forehead, she whispered, "Goodnight, my little angel." Then, she turned to the pile of laundry that had been waiting patiently, her mind already planning the next day's routine.

The chores didn't take long; she had become a master of efficiency in the months since Aradhya had come into her life. Each task was completed with a quiet determination that had become her signature in the face of adversity. The clothes were folded and put away, the dishes washed and dried, and the kitchen was left gleaming. The only evidence of the day's chaos was the trail of toys scattered across the living room floor, a silent testament to the laughter and joy they had shared.

With the house in order, Shreya finally allowed herself to collapse onto the bed, her body aching from the day's exertions. The mattress welcomed her with a familiar embrace, the softness of the pillow a stark contrast to the firmness of her resolve. Her eyes drifted to the framed picture on the bedside table, a blurry snapshot of Aradhya's tiny face, her eyes tightly shut in newborn sleep. She had found her in a dustbin, discarded like trash, but to Shreya, she was a treasure beyond measure.


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