Chapter 1

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Author's POV :

"You're late, again," Mrs. Shah said, not bothering to look up from her desk as the classroom door squeaked shut.

Siya Ahuja offered a sheepish smile to her English teacher, her cheeks flushing as she took her seat. "Sorry, ma'am. The bus broke down."

Mrs. Shah raised an eyebrow but said nothing more, returning her gaze to the paperwork she was sorting. The room was already alive with the low murmur of students sharing notes and chuckling over shared jokes. Siya felt the weight of their eyes on her as she slid into her chair. 

Her stomach tightened, and she hoped no one would ask her to repeat the excuse she'd given so often that it had lost all semblance of credibility. She pulled out her book and pretended to read, her mind racing with the events of the morning.

The bus hadn't broken down, of course. That was just her go-to alibi. The truth was, she'd overslept. Her mother had been working a double shift at the hospital, leaving her to get ready on her own. The ancient alarm clock had decided to play dead, and by the time she'd realized the time, the bus had long disappeared into the distance. The frantic sprint to school had left her out of breath and her heart hammering in her chest.

As she settled into her seat, Siya couldn't help but steal glances at the clock, willing the minutes to tick by faster. The second bell was about to ring, signaling the start of classes, and she knew that was her cue to move on from her morning's misadventure. She took a deep breath, trying to still her racing thoughts.

The hallways outside the classroom grew quiet as the students took their seats, and through the narrow window in the door, she saw her senior group huddled in the corridor. Her heart skipped a beat when she spotted Raghav Mehra leaning against the lockers, a casual smile playing on his lips as he listened to his friends. He was the kind of guy who could make anyone feel at ease with his charm, his dark hair a stark contrast against his crisp white school shirt. His eyes flicked towards her, and for a brief moment, their gazes met. Time seemed to stand still, and she felt the blood rush to her cheeks.

Raghav was a dancer, one of the best in the school. His movements were fluid and graceful, captivating everyone who watched him perform. He had an air of confidence that Siya envied, especially since she was the complete opposite. She was the quiet girl who always slipped into the background, her heart fluttering at the mere thought of being the center of attention. Dance was his world, and she was just a spectator, admiring from afar. She'd seen his performances at school functions, the way his body moved in rhythm with the music, the passion in his eyes as he told stories with his steps. It was mesmerizing, and she couldn't help but feel a spark of something she didn't quite understand whenever he was near.

The second bell rang, shaking Siya out of her daze. The sound was like a slap across the face, bringing her back to the stark reality of her English class. She was lost in thought when she heard her friend, Pooja, whisper, "Hayee, Siya ko Ram ke darshan ho gaye!" from the seat behind her. She felt the heat of embarrassment spread through her body and glared at Pooja. 

The latter just giggled and whispered, "Chill, Siya. It's just Raghav."

Turning to face the front, Siya pretended to focus on Mrs. Shah's lecture. But her mind was racing. It had been like this for weeks. Every time Raghav was around, she turned into a nervous wreck. She knew Pooja was teasing her, but it wasn't entirely unwarranted. Her heart did seem to skip a beat whenever she saw him.

Mrs. Shah cleared her throat, and Siya realized she'd missed the start of the lesson. "Miss Ahuja," she said, her voice cutting through the air, "are you with us today, or is your mind elsewhere?"

The class snickered, and Siya felt her cheeks burn as she nodded vigorously. "Yes, ma'am. I'm here."

Mrs. Shah studied her for a moment before continuing her lecture on Shakespeare's sonnets. The words washed over Siya, but she couldn't focus. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts about Raghav. She'd always admired him from afar, but lately, she'd started to wonder if there could be more. His eyes had lingered on her today, hadn't they? Or was she just reading too much into it?

Days turned into weeks, and soon it was time for the seniors to bid farewell. The school buzzed with excitement as preparations for the farewell party began. Colorful streamers and balloons adorned the corridors, and the air was thick with anticipation. Siya found herself drawn into the flurry of activity, helping to decorate the hallways and planning the cultural program. It was a chance to do something she was good at, to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, if only for a brief moment.

The farewell party was organized in the school auditorium, a grand affair with lights, music, and a stage that had been transformed into a kaleidoscope of colors and glitter. As the seniors filed in, dressed in their finest, Siya couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. Raghav looked particularly dashing in a tailored suit, his smile bright as he waved to friends and teachers. She watched him from the sidelines, her heart racing as the thought of him leaving grew more real with each passing second.

The cultural program was a mix of skits, songs, and dance performances. When Raghav's name was announced for a solo dance number, the auditorium erupted in applause. He took the stage with the ease of a seasoned performer, and as the music began, he moved with a grace that stole 

Siya's breath away. She sat in the audience, her eyes glued to him, feeling a strange mix of admiration and something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

As the party wound down, and the teachers began to pack up, Siya found herself in charge of organizing the refreshments. She was busy arranging plates of samosas and cups of chai when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turned around to find Raghav standing there, his eyes twinkling with the same mischief she'd seen on stage. "Hey, I heard you're the mastermind behind all this," he said, gesturing to the decorations.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she tried to play it cool. "Just doing my part," she replied, her voice a little too high-pitched for her liking.

Raghav reached for a samosa, his fingers brushing against hers as he took one. "You've got quite the talent for this, you know," he said, his gaze lingering for a moment before he turned to leave.

Siya felt a strange warmth spread through her body, and she watched as he joined his friends, chuckling at something one of them had said. He glanced back at her, and she couldn't help but wonder if he'd felt it too—that electric connection that seemed to crackle in the air whenever they were near. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. It was just a simple gesture, she told herself, but it had sent her thoughts spiraling.

The rest of the party passed in a blur of smiles and goodbyes. As the last of the guests filtered out, Siya helped clean up the auditorium, her mind racing with the memory of their brief interaction. It was only when she was alone, sweeping confetti into a dustpan, that she allowed herself to truly feel the weight of the moment. This was it. The last time she'd see Raghav in the hallowed halls of their school. Her heart felt heavy with the knowledge that he was leaving, taking a piece of her with him.


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