Chapter 3

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We stopped by Graham's diner. Our preferred go-to spot.

I divided a cheesecake with my fork and scooped a small piece into my mouth. Across the table, noisy slurping interrupted the divine relishing of my taste buds. I looked at Henry, who was enjoying his chocolate shake a little too much.

At first, I ignored it as his drink was nearly finished. Then the slurping got louder and I glanced up again. Sure enough, the glass was empty but he didn't stop making that sound.

"You gonna eat the glass too?" I asked.

He placed it on the table and grimaced. "I'm bored. What the hell are we doing here?"


"This is about our jobs. You do know that, right? We just found out Rhodes is dead. So now what?"

"No idea, at the moment. I need to think."

He stared at me, most likely wondering if I was taking any of this seriously.

"I apologize if I'm not approaching this problem with proper attention. I'm feeling kinda peckish," I added, then continued enjoying the cheesecake.

He scoffed and stood. "Fine. Do whatever you want. I'm going back to the HQ."

"Good luck."

He ignored me and walked out of the diner. I smiled to myself. I could catch up to him at my own pace.

After I had finished the cheesecake, I sat there for a while, engrossed in thought. I went back to the surveillance footage, and that woman, Mary Coleman. Everything about her body language clearly expressed nervousness when she was checking out the cameras. Something was definitely off. There was also the question of whom she had made the phone call to.

Something was wrong with the surveillance itself. I couldn't place my finger on what exactly, but the footage seemed incomplete to me. Could've been tampered with, perhaps. Aside from that, the murder of Mr. Rhodes was still a mystery. According to the medical examiner, he was murdered hours after the robbery took place. Forensics were still sweeping the house for evidence. I was sure the diamond thief was behind the murder, and I intended to hold onto that theory until proven wrong.

Time flew past me unnoticed. I had been in the diner for almost an hour without any interference. The owner didn't mind. After all, Henry and I were regular customers.

Leaving a few dollar bills on the table, I headed out. I still needed to interrogate Mary and the two security guards.

A small bell chimed above the door when I left. Outside, I was greeted by three burly men, with fresh burns on their faces and bandages on their foreheads. They didn't look very friendly but they did look familiar.

"Aidan Hunter," one of them said. "Remember us?"

"Nope," I replied coolly. "You have to help me jog my memory."

"We survived the explosion you caused this morning," another said.

Main Street. Oh, so these three morons made it out of there alive? I thought I had taken care of them. They should've been dead.

"Ah, I remember now," I said. "You didn't forget me. I'm flattered."

"We're here to take care of unfinished business," said the third man.

"Good for you." I grinned.

One of them grabbed the collar of my Henley. I nudged my shoulder a little under his grip and eyed his hand. "Hm. I don't like it when people grab my shirt."

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