Chapter 7

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After weeks of waiting , I decided to send another letter,

"Dear Rosearia,

     I've been waiting for the letter for weeks, I don't understand why you didn't reply, I mean, I didn't offend you , did I?

I'm sorry if I did, and I think I really like you, I now this seems stupid, considering the fact that I don't know you, but I do.....

So please reply soon...

Love, Someone who misses your letters, and you"

I went to the office to send it, I was very nervous, I didn't know why though. On my way there I saw Jessica, what does she want now? I asked myself mentally, "Hi Harry!" she said grabbing my arm as I tried to avoid her,

"Hello" I said blandly,

"Aren't you going to ask how I am?" she asked with a giggle,

"You seem fine to me" I answered blandly, I kind of felt guilty for being rude, but I didn't have to,

"hahahaha! You're funny!" she laughed aloud thinking I have just complimented her which was far from my intention," you wanna go out with me?" she continued,

"I'm.....I have some business ...I can't" I lied expecting a disappointed look on her face,

"it's fine, call them and say you're busy" she simply said pulling my to walk with her but I stopped in my place shocked,

"No! I also like a girl!" I shouted out of frustration as some people stared at us, she looked around at the people after glaring at me,

"What? But I love you Harry! Hoe could you do this to me?" she cried glancing at the people, what is she talking about?

"Do what to you? I don't even know you?" I answered confused ,

"What?! Now you say you don't know me? After all that we've been through?!" she cried with a tiny smirk on her face as she glared at me,

Okay, now this girl's gone crazy! "Been through what?! I don't know you! I just see you everyday when I walk past here, you're making everything up! leave me alone! " I shouted then started to walk away, I turned to look at her, and saw her staring at me and all the people glaring at her.

On my walk home, I couldn't stop thinking about Rose, I imagined her smile at me in different faces,  I imagined her so beautiful....How could I love someone I still didn't know?

I spent the rest of the day doing my usual Harry Styles things, I had a concert and an interview.At home , I decided to check the mail box, I hardly had any hope of finding anything, but I did, I was extremely thrilled, I quickly grabbed the letter and ran up to my room, I opened it and read,

"Dear Stranger,

    I'm so sorry I didn't reply to the letter, but I have a story and I'm going to tell you the whole thing.

When I was on my way to send you the last letter, I bumped into this guy, he spilt his coffee on me, so he took me to the restaurant he works in and I got all cleaned up, and that's how we met. That still doesn't explain why I didn't send,

So , we went out a lot and I barely had time to send, and whenever I try to write something happens and I don't get the chance.....I'm so sorry!

And all of those days with the duchebag called Ryan are for nothing, we broke up, I found him with one of his friends kissing and I broke it off......

Again, I'm so sorry, I'll never do it again,I hope you don't hate me, I really fancy you too, I wish I could see you though...

Love, Someone who misses you too, a lot..."

After reading the letter , I felt a wave of relief rush over me, I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write,

"Dear Rose,

     I am so sorry you went through all that crap, you deserve better than that......

You would never imagine the relief I felt reading your letter, I was so happy, I'm really interested in you, so tell me more about you, I'd love to know more about the person who's taking over all my thoughts, you know I can't love someone I don't know little things about.....

Love, Someone who loves cats"

I quickly ran to the office even though it was about 12pm that time, but I had to send it, and the moment I reached it , I felt like crap!



Hey lovely reader, I have a challenge for you!

If you guess why Harry feels liek crap, comment your thought and if you get it right, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you!

Good Luck! :P

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