Chapter 18

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"Now, go get ready! We're going in an hour!" I said as he chuckled,

"HARRY LOVES ROSE! HARRY LOVES ROSE!" he shouted running around the kitchen like a 5 year old,

"Louis!!!" I shouted playfully as he headed to his room.

We both headed to pick the girls up in Louis' car, we rang the bell and a moment later, Rose opened the door with a beautiful smile, and said as her eyes shined, "Hey guys! Come on in!".

Lily was still getting ready, so Louis went up to see her, leaving me with Rose....alone....

"So, when's your sister coming back?" I asked trying to start some small talk,

"Ugh, in a couple of least that's what she said" she said with a bored expression,

"The best couple of days in my life" I mumbled not wanting her to hear me but she did and laughed,

"I'll get us some juice, 1sec" she said heading towards the kitchen.

She came back carrying 2 cups of apple juice and while passing mine to me, she spilt it on her white spring dress,"Shit!" she shouted as I chuckled, as we both leaned to the ground, trying to clean it up, at the same time. I noticed that there was less that 10 cm between our faces, and as we stared at each other, the 10 cm turned into 5, 4,3,2,1,0.......I found myself kissing her for the first time. The best thing that had happened to me in a while, was interrupted by Lily, "Wow!" she shouted as we both pulled away quickly, and looked at Lily, then each other, Rose's cheeks were as red as her lips.

"I'm sorry" Rose whispered as she stared at the ground,

"Don't be..... I liked it....." I mumbled back,

"Rose..."said Lily with a strange smirk,

"Don't, Lily! If you want to blame anyone, blame me" I said looking Lily straight in the eyes,

"Oh, I'm not blaming anyone, just make sure not to let Jessica know" she giggled.

I looked at Rose to find her staring at her splattered dress,"Come on, lets get you into something new" I said holding her hand and letting her lead me up stares to her room. She opened the door of a beautiful room, everything about it was so simple, but perfect! Its walls are pale blue, and everything else in it was white, accept for her windowseat, it also was pale blue.

She pulled out a beautiful teal lace dress and showed it to me,"You like it?" she asked,

"Beautiful" I stated with a grin,"I'll go wait for you in the...... I'll be down stares until you change",

"Uh, yeah" she giggled,

I headed to the door and then felt a tight grip on my shoulder stop me,"Harry",


"About what happened I-"

"Don't! I really like you, Rose!' I comforted her holding her cheeks in my large hands,

"Me too" she smiled confidently, I kissed her forehead, "get ready so we could have fun" I whispered, then went down stares.

Rose came down to the living room wearing that dress, she looked gorgeous! She had a teal bow in her long curls making her look so..... HER!

"What are you staring at, idiot? lets go!" she joked noticing how fascinated I was,

"I was staring at YOU! You look great!" I said as we entered the car. I slowly landed my hand on hers and planted a kiss on her cheek. Louis opened his mouth to speak but Lily stopped him, "Shut up' she whispered playfully, is this really going to work?

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