Epilogue <3

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Okay, I'll start this with the authors note!

First of all, I'll keep Harry and Rose for the end, coz their story is the best!

And, during this chapter you have to be listening to A Thousand Years by Christina Perrie , you'll discover why in the end, but please if you're a slow reader then keep replaying it until you're finished!


P.S, this is going to be a bit longer than the other chappies!



Okay, let's start with the worst, which is Liam and Danielle, they sadly, broke up! But are still friends, very close friends, they might get back together in the future, you'll never know!

Zayn and Perrie, those two are another story! They have been happily married for 2 years now. They sometimes have little fights like before, but that's what makes them special!

As for Lily and Louis, here's what happened,

Lily's P.O.V:

I was locking the shop up, when I got a text from Louis to go to an old building in our street and tells me follow the trail he made, and that's what I did.

When I arrived there, I found a red rose on the first step with a note:

Hey Lily, follow the roses to find me! I love you!

And with every step, the roses became more and more, until I found him, Louis! He was holding a ring in a hand, and a huge red rose in the other, "Will you marry me, Lliy?",

And I would be the most brainless girl in the world if I didn't say Yes!

Rose's P.O.V:

As for Jessica, when Mum and Dad called, and we told them about her, they hurried and came to London to pick her up, after they had met Harry and Louis and had loved them! 

Now, Jessica is living in Bradford with my parents, and according to my Mum, she's dating this guy called Philip and are happy together!

Oh, and me and Harry's story, it's the best of them all, the most special. It all started when i woke up one morning, after 5 years of Harry and I dating. I looked at his side of the bed, to find a letter instead of Harry's beautiful eyes. I opened it and read

'Good morning, Love! I see you've waken up, so I have something very important to tell you, but with a little twist, you know how much I love twists!

So, you will find the first part in the first place I saw your beautiful face!

Good luck',

When Harry wrote twist, I knew he meant going out of the house, so I lazily put on the first thing I saw in my closet, which was comfortable " A/N: look at your side to see what she wore!" 

I ran to the front door,as I wanted to go to my place, my front door to be spasific,in Harry's car but I didn't find it so I walked there, to find Zayn holding a letter for me, "Umm, Hi!" I greeted him but he didn't say a word and smiled handing the letter to me,

' Hey, Love! I see you found Zayn!


there you go! the first part! Now go to the place that conected me to you! You gotta get this! 

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