Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

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It was time to tell her the truth, about The Stranger being myself, I glanced at Rose staring in the opposite direction of me, I lightly took her chin and directed it towards me so I could see her face, but she turned out to be bawling her eyes out,"Rose, please don't cry! She isn't worth you being so sad like this" I comforted her then planted a kiss on her forehead,

"It's not Jessica, silly! It''s...." she paused for a moment,

"What is it?"

"I was just imagining..... You'll think I'm stupid....."

"Never in my life, would I think of you anything other than smart, beautiful...Oh, I have a list!", I said making her giggle with a blush,

"I was imagining that if you and I become something, like, serious, girls would hate me, and would wish me to die, and that's the last thing I'd ever want, even though I....I love you Harry" she said looking me straight in the eyes, like no girl has ever done, while telling me those words for the first time,

"Rose, I love you more than the world, and if anyone ever hurt you, I will take off my shoe, and throw it at him!' I said as a moment of silence went between us, and we broke the awkward silence with laughter,

"Way to ruin a romantic moment!" said Rose with a smirk as she hit my arm, then silence attacked again.....

"Rose, I have something I have to tell you...." I started as a curious look took over her expression,

"Hit me!" she joked,

"You told me once, about this random letter you got from a guy who wouldn't mention his name, right?" I started, as her eyes became so wide concentrating,


"Have you ever thought of who he might be, I mean, someone with brown curls, green eyes and is near your age.." I let out as her jaw fell open,

"What the hell?! Have you been reading my mail?" she asked frustrated,

"No, Rose! I'm serious!" I said with a chuckle,

"Someone who loves cats, tacos, who dreams of having a pen friend, who has a secret to tell you....?" and as my voice faded away, a look of understanding formed on her face,

"Harry! It's you!" She cheered holding me in a tight hug,"Harry, I was afraid I had fallen in love with both, you and The Stranger!",

"And it's been me all along!" I held her cold cheeks in my large warmer hands,"Rose, I have loved you even before I knew it was you! And I will always love you more than the world!",

"Me too" she whispered as her eyes were filled with tears and a wide smile took over her cherry red lips, which were making me feel an urge to kiss her, I felt her soft hands on my face, rubbing her thumb on my jaw. 

Moments later, I found myself kissing her, as she held my shit's V-shaped coller in a tight grip, and after a few minutes she rested her forehead on mine, "Never leave me' sje whispered breathless,

"i don't do such shit!" I joked,

"Harry, sing to me" she asked still breathless,

"your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me,

but bare this in mind, it was meant to be!" and sang Little Things to her,

Hours went by, with Rose in my arms, it can never get any better!


Oh! I'm crying! this is the end! Thanks for reading my story so far, and I want you to know that I love you all for letting me get 1000 reads for the 1st time, i will be writing new stories, but no matter what I will always remember every one of you that helped me get them!

I love you! 


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