Prelude 1

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28 years ago...

A white, black, and blue skeleton walked through the forest with their four offspring. Three had white bones and one had black, yellow, and red bones. They were carrying two of their offspring who appeared wounded, the smallest clinging to their back, and the unusually colored child following close behind.

Several gruff voices could be heard behind them. The adult sped up the pace and they headed toward the ravine they would have to cross in order to get back to a safer area.

The adult stepped onto the giant log that bridged the gap, carefully balancing. The child they weren't carrying carefully climbed onto the log behind them. Then, as they were half way across the ravine, a rustling sound was heard as several people came out of the brush.

"We found 'em!" Yelled one. The adult gave a growl and moved faster. A whizzing sound was heard as a dart narrowly missed the adult.
"Don't let 'em get away!" Another person yelled. The adult began running toward the other side of the ravine in a desperate attempt to escape. The following child sped up to follow their parent and siblings, but slipped. They regained their footing and began moving again, their parent already having reached the brush at the other side and frantically looking at the children in their grip and on their back.

The dark boned child moved towards their parent before being grabbed.
"Got a cub!" Yelled the man who had grabbed the struggling child. They let out a frantic call to their parent, but were already being injected with a sedative.

The adult whipped their head toward the captured child and growled. One of the men grinned and began kicking the log. As the adult began heading back, the log fell into the ravine, trapping the parent and captured child on opposite sides.

"Do you know how much money we could have gotten for the whole group?" Snapped one man.
"Believe me, you don't want to mess with an angry parent. That one in particular was a strong one. This pup should get us more than enough money to come back and capture the others when better prepared." Said the man who had knocked down the log.
"Fine," said the other.

The pup, whose name was Rue, blinked awake, finding himself in a dark box. He let out a chirp, calling for his mother. He frantically looked around, calling for his mother and brothers.
"Ma? Gen? Freshy? Fatal?" He called, but received no reply. Tears pricking his eyes, he curled up, wrapping his tail around him, 'ears' flopping down.

When he woke up, the box he was in was being moved. He could vaguely hear voices before the box moved again. For several hours this went on until the lid was taken off the box.
"Hello pet," greeted a cold voice. A woman with red hair and eyes glared down at him.


Fate. That was the name of the person who bought Rue, or as she called him Error. His memories of his family slipped away, little by little, leaving him with only vague dreams, lessons, and words. She made him perform and do tricks, made him kill those who disobeyed her. He hated it. She only ever gave him live prey, forcing him to kill it.

Error had been 2 when he was captured and he was currently 10. He lay curled in his white room on his blue nest of strings. During his time there, he had cried so much he developed tear marks and grown to a large size due to Fate giving him things to speed up and increase his growth.

Destiny, Fate's little sister, was the only person other than Fate he saw on a regular basis. She was a lot nicer than Fate however.


6 months later and Error wasn't sure what had happened. From what he understood, Destiny called someone, Fate was a-rest-ed, whatever that was, and he was being taken somewhere else.

Error was taken to a much nicer place, a girl called Crash (Error!Frisk) took care of him, and he had plenty of food. He relaxed on his next and fell asleep, more content than he had been in years. Crash was attempting to teach him sign language so they could communicate and Destiny would visit occasionally.


Fresh remember falling off his mother's back when he was only a year old. The odd young skeleton lay curled up in his enclosure. It was a large and colorful place he had been taken after being in a dark place and there was lots of loud noises.

He never really bonded with any handler in his years there, but was happy to sign to most people. He loved colors and pulling pranks.


Geno had been taken from his mother after being captured. At 3, he was captured and now at 31 he lived with his mate Reaper, his mate's brother Grim, and his three offspring, Goth, Raven, and Vital. He missed his family though. His twin, Fatal, his mother, and younger brothers, Fresh and Rue.

He settled next to his mate with a sigh and closed his eyes.


404 glared at the human near his last offspring. Fatal was now fully grown and 404 had taken a new mate, Bill, but he still was nervous of his last child being taken. All of his last litter had been taken except for Fatal. He didn't even know if they were dead or alive and it drove him nuts.

Their keepers had had to keep 404 and Fatal away from Bill for 10 years before 404 calmed enough to safely be around the other.

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