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EVERY YEAR DURING MY BIRTHDAY, there is this celebration that celebrates the Independence of Surzona. It was fun and the same time annoying having another celebration during your birthday. Fun because mom has to cook good food and it's times the many and the whole family is in our home. Annoying because sometimes they forget that someone is celebrating her birthday.  13 days more and I will be feeling these things again.

I went to the bookstore to use the "advance" gift that Noah gave me last night. While I was walking down the road.  I saw people making a big crowd around some limo. I guess it's just royal family or some celebrities. I don't understand why people idolize this people well there just people who have  formalities in this society, what's the big deal.

The Country of Surzona, lead by Monarchy, Lead by the Direwoods. King Anthony, his the king of this country the highest person, the president for other countries. His the King but I don't like him, with his rules? I hate it. Marrying at 18 what the hell is that? I'm loosing my freedom here! Queen Kate, she's the opposite of King Anthony. She kind to the people of Surzona, I always see her in every outreach program and book reading. Which that is why I love her, I think she loves books to...and their twins. Prince Aiden and Princess Aideline.

I went inside the bookstore and looked around. Few minutes later after getting all the books I got pushed by a person and I fell down to the floor, and every time I fall down to the floor my eyes get blurry. I heard a voice,

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry dear" it was a voice of woman, he helped me stand up, but her voice it sounds so familiar...

"Queen Kate!" The Queen? oh my gosh I immediately curtsied and apologized.

"Oh I'm so sorry my queen."

"No it's alright my dear, it was my fault."her soft and innocent voice apologizing to me.

I curtsied and went to the cashier and put down 4 heavy books and since I knew the cashier, Mrs. Ashby it was easy to approah her. 

"Hi Mrs. Ashby, coupun?" I handed it to her at the same tie laughing.

"Oh Clary, your so lucky when it comes to books look you got the lucky coupon did you know that's the only one that we released." I was at shock, I was lucky and I was lucky for Noah, because his the really one who got this.

"Why do you look so shock, Clary?" she asks

"Well actually this was gift, by Noah."she gave me a giggle.


"Oh dear, you still don't get it don't you? huh?" she asked me while putting the books in a paper bag. I didn't answer, I was so stupid not knowing my  best friend has feelings for me. Oh my this will be akward the next time I see him...

"Here you go Clary, and I have an advice for you..." she signaled me to come closer like she was about to whisper something to me.

"Give the cute guy a chance, Clary. You too look cute together." I laughed, got the paper bag and continued my day. I was about go outside when a guy bumped into me.

"Oh I'm sorry." I heard him apologize. I looked at the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me. I didn't mind it and head my way.

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