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LAST TWO DAYS AGO I SAW THE QUEEN, now I'm thinking what do her children look like. Well the Prince and the Princess I mean, there twins, so I think they look the same?  They say that  princess has absolute beauty and for the prince, I don't know handsome? Since I'm the person who just read books it doesn't mean I don't listen to what people say. Let us say I do multitasking.                                                   I heard that Princess Aideline was very proper in everything she does, but like her brother Prince Aiden, there both adventurous  always with their people. 

Prince Aiden I don't know in what's with but every girl in this country has a crush with him except me. I don't even know what's special with him. Is it his looks? Personality? What? 

I decided to go to my favorite spot again, going to read the first book I got in the bookstore. Good thing the showering of snow stop and the snow that left combines perfectly with the sunlight the goes between the branches of the trees. I took the key underneath the trunk and took away the snow around it, when I was about to unlock the door. I saw light in the small opening of the door like someone was inside, well I didn't left the light open last time...

I carefully opened the door hearing no squeaking sound, for him or her to hear. When I opened it I saw a guy...

"Excuse what are you doing here? Who are you?" I didn't see him, he was in the dark side of the place.

"Oh Come on get out of there."he  went out of the dark place. He looked so simple,nothing special.

"You don't know me?" Just listening to his voice I was quite nervous.

"Well should I know you?"

"Really miss?" I felt akward.

"Yes I really don't know and how did you ever got in here, I believe there is only place to enter and that's that." I pointed to the door where I always enter and exit.

"Well miss I'm sorry but I believe that there is also an entrance over there and I saw this place when I was still 10 years old."he looked so serious.

"Well same was I." I lied... thinking I was loosing this argument.

"I think the proper solution for this is to share, am I right?"

"I think so..."

"I think so? Come on miss what's your name?"

"uh...Clary. Clary Donnell.And who are you?

"Oh that's for you find out...I have to go." Immediately run to the dark part of the place.


For the first time in my life I wanted to talk to guy. I can't believe I'm saying this,but he is cute. He was just wearing a shirt and a pair of pants, with his brown colored messy hair with it. He was so proper, but where did that path goes to? To another country perhaps or a village.

I was about to sit down in the ground when knock that startled me with fear. I fixed myself and it was dad.

"Angel, come home everyones waiting for you there..."dad held my wrist.


"Just come with me."

We arrived at our house, there was a black car with the flag of the royal family. I was so nervous, I didn't even now why would they even go here. Then I remembered that mom and dad are both working for the palace. Mom as the head cook and dad was one of the royal advisers of the king. Speaking, our family is not rich nor poor let's just say enough to make us 5 to eat 3 times a day. It's like the Royal family is One.  Celebrities and People who serve the Royal Family is Two, which is us.

We went inside our house mom was talking to someone.

"Fatima? Where here."

"Oh Paul were here." Mom wave her hands, they're in the living room drinking tea. 

I walked into the living room, I saw a lady she was facing mom. Wearing formal clothes, she looks like...the lady faced me.

"Clarrissa, there you are." It was Amelia, the king's head advisor, dad's close friend and my godmother(in my baptism).

"Oh Amy, it's just Clary." I went to the sit next to her.

"So what brings you here? It's along time since you went here."

"Oh Amy's here to give us this." mom barges in and handed me an invitation, so elegantly looking with a two big A on the middle.

"It's the birthday of the Prince Aiden and Princess Aideline, a masquerade party, and the Princess wants to invite all the families of the people who serves them. Well that includes your mom and dad of course." Amy points out one part of the invitation.

In the books that I have read, it's more on fairytales and things that doesn't exist and it was my dream to go to a castle, our palace. Mom and Dad were always there and not a single step was I able to make in my entire life, and that was about to change.

"But I don't have a chance to wear or not even a mask."

"Don't worry Clary... I got that and besides the ask will provided by the palace." I was so happy I gave her a big smile.

" there's her smile. Beautiful."Amy said returning me a smile.

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