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I OPENED MY EYES, and I saw a different ceiling and just a cloth at the top my bed. I looked around my room, there was this different room for comfort room and my dresser.
Cassia went of the dressing room holding a plum colored dress.
She saw me. "Odelle, the lady is already awake." She whispered inside the room. They immediately went in front of my bed. They curtsied and I sat down.

"Good morning, lady Clare."Olivia greeted me.

"Goodmorning!" I greeted them.

"I want to ask for a favor." I told them with a smile.

"Yes ms?" Cassia asks.

"Can the both of you just call me Clare, no need to be formal you know." They looked at each other.

"But ms..."

"No buts...the two of you can only call me Lady Clary if the Royal Family is there or the selected. Agree?"

"Yes m..." I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes Clare." Odelle told me with giggles.

"Good. So whats for me today?" I asked them.

"Well Clare, you will have breakfast downstairs in the Great Hall. With the Royal Family and the other Selected. And. You will where this..." Odelle told me and Cassia showed me the dress again.

"That's so beautiful did you made that?" She nodded. "You remind me of my sister, Cassia" she smiled.

"Well, Miss Clare we have to get you ready." I nodded and gave them a smile.

I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroon for a bath. Then after that I wore the dress, Cassia made my hair, she braided it while Odelle did my make up it was just light just the way I like it.

Odelle stayed to fiz my bed while Cassia helped me go to the Great Hall. We were about to turn to the corner of the hall when I heard someone shouts my name.

"Clary!" It's Noah shouting across the hall running towards us.

"Hey! Don't shout." I reminded him.

"Cassia you can go Sir Noah is here.We can find our way to the Great Hall" Cassia nodded, curtsied and went away.

"So?" I asked him.
He gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

"That's for the days we missed." He laugh.

"Noah were not in that cave anymore were in the palace, if you want to this not here. Remember we are a part the Selection, we might get punished with this." His smile was gone.

"I'm sorry, I understand perfectly. I...I just miss you."

"Me too but we have to go."

"Yeah your right." He offered his arm and I put mine through it. We walk towards the Great Hall.

"So are you having fun?" I asked him.

"Absolutely, I didn't expect that this would be so much fun. Have you met Dale and Marve?"

"No. Not yet."

"I'll introduce you to them later."

"I'll do the same with the girls." We smiled with each other.
Atlast we've reached the Great Hall. There were two guards guiding the doors. They opened the doors for us and we went inside.

"Their they are!" Aideline shouts, but still in her palace voice.
We curtsied. The table was so long. The King was sitting on the right and The Queen was on the left, by the way, she is so beautiful. Prince Aiden was on the right of The King and Aideline was on the left. The selected girls were with Aideline and the boys are with Aiden.

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