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"Here is your dress, Clare." Cassia hands me a black gown.

Today is father's funeral. Its sad for me to remember what happened to us. My wounds got better quickly making the funeral today.

I can't believe that his gone.

"Are you okay, Clare?" Odelle asks.

"No...Odelle, I'm not but I will be." They gave me and encouraging smile that made me smile too.

I wore the dress and the necklace that daddy gave to me, for my birthday, this is the only thing that was left from him.

"I'm ready girls.." they nodded and they went with me in going down stairs.

Mom and my sister were already there. I went to them and hugged them.

"Are you alright dear?" I nodded as mom asks me.

"Yes mom. The question is are you alright?" She puts her head into my shoulder.

"I can't believe that your father is dead, but he died a hero." He looked to a family, the guard dad saved. The guard went to us and bowed.

"Thank you. Because of your father I'm still alive and my kids still has their father." I smiled. I looked at his kids, their still young and they have a new born child. Dad is a hero.

I knelt down and took the gaurd's child.

"You should be proud of your father...because he saves many people." The young girl smiles and hugs me.

"I thank your father cause he saved mine." I smiled back.

The funeral went on and everything was done.

2 days later...

"Welcome everyone...we are back!" Ms. Jane announces.

"Prince Aiden has his special announcement." Aiden steps forward and takes the microphone.

"Everyone welcome my new princess, Lady Clare..." he offered his hand and I stood up and went to him. Everyone cheered and clapped their hands.

"Congratulations Prince Aiden and Lady Clare. Now that would be all..."

"No wait..." Aideline takes the mic from Ms. Jane's hand.

"I have my Chosen too...Noah?" Noah stands up shocked with Aideline's announcement. He steps forward and carried Aideline and twirls her around.

"Now this is exciting. Everyone let's us welcome our beautiful couples!" Evryone cheered again.

The NEWS was done and I saw Erryn and Katelyn looking so down. I went to them together with Aiden.

"Hey girls..."

"Hey Clare, congratulations!" Erryn greets me and hugs me while Katelyn looks down.

"Hey Katelyn..."


"Are you okay? I'm sorry.." she looks at me.

"No I should be the one who is sorry." She holds my hand.

"It's okay."

"No it's not okay if I didn't tell the king, you should have a dad right now, no one should have died. I really sorry."

"It's alright, Katelyn. we friends?" I offered my hand for a hand shake.

"Friends." She shook my hands.

"And...congratulations." she greeted me.

"Don't worry you'll find your prince someday." She smiled.

"Aidy!" Aiden calls for her sister.

"Congratulations to the both of you..." I greeted Noah and Aideline.

"Thanks Clary." Noah replied.

"Thanks sis!" Aideline replied too. Another sister of mine this going to be exciting.

The Crown(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now