Bonus Scene #5

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This was the day, the day Aleyna and I were making sure that it was perfect. Well there's no such thing as perfect, but atleast and I hope that nothing goes wrong.

I was infront of the mirror of my dresser. I raised my nightgown and looked at my small-quite baby bump.

"My little heir are you ready to suprise your father and the whole country?" I tell my baby. Then I was replied by a sudden morning sickness.

I fixed myself and looked back. "That's a yes then...little one."

"Clare, dear...are you alright?" It was Aiden, knocking outside.

"I'm alright, just a minute, birthday boy!"I heard him laugh at the other side. I put down my night gown and fixed myself.

I opened the door and there he was, all so good looking as always even is his hair is all messed up.

"Hello there my King." I kissed him softly. "Happy Birthday, Love."

"Thank you, My Queen." I smiled and hugged him. "Now what's for me today? How about a gift from my wife?"He tells me while kissing my lips then my cheeks then it went to my neck.

I made him stop and made him face towards the comfort room. "What you're gonna do first is fix yourself, Your Majesty. I fixed your clothes inside, just wear it. Then meet me downstairs for breakfast. That would be nice right?"

He just nodded and looked at me. I laughed and kissed him in the cheek. "Go on...Don't make me wait." He just smiled and went inside.

I took a flowy day dress and head downstairs to the kitchen.

"Jane?" Jane our head cook was really close to me after our coronation. "Yes, clare?"

"Ready, Aiden's special breakfast, the one I told you to ready yesterday."

"Oh yes, it's ready just a little last touches then it's done." she smiled.

"How about you Clare?"she asks.

"My special, you know that already." she nodded and went back inside the kitchen.

I proceded to the dining and saw Aiden seated like a trained little prince waiting for me.

"You look like a kid, Aiden." I tell him as I walk towards the seat next to him.

Minutes later the food came out and he was syorised that every favorite breakfast came in front of him.

"Way of suprising me, Clare?"


Our breakfast went on, gladly Aiden has this special meeting with the other leaders. Which gives me time to ready the party at the Great Hall.

Aleyna was already there looking like a supervisor and holding a clipboard. Walking around and checking every corner.

"Aleyna!" She looked at me and went to me.

"Ready? Ready to celebrate your husband's birthday and announce my little nephew or niece's arrival?" I giggled. "Yes." I simply replied to her questions.

"Well then...get to your room and ready yourself! I got your dress ready just wear it and make it presentable, I helped on making it." I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you!" I looked at her.

"No problem, little sis."

I proceeded to my room and saw the dress Aleyna was pertaining to. It was beautiful it was a long one, turtle-necked, laced and it was beige in color.

Odelle helped me with my make up and hair. "Oh my Queen, you look beautiful as always."

"Thank you Odelle."

The guard informed me that Aiden's meeting was finished and he escorted me towards the office. He was there alone and maybe worried about the kingdom as always, but today he has to be relaxed.

He saw and a smile on his face rose. "What's with the get up?" he asks me.

"Why is it horrible?"

"You never looked horrible, dear." he came to me and put his hands on my cheeks and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you alright?" I asked holding his hand. He nodded. "Just tired."

"I think I know what will make the feeling go away." I took his hand and pulled him outside the meeting room and to the Great Hall.

"What are we doing here?" I laughed. We came to the front of the entrance of the Great Hall.

"You forgot that's it's your birthday did you." I signaled the guards to open the door.

"Happy Birthday, King Aiden!" Everyone cheered. He looked suprised as ever. He looked at me and then we went inside.

Everyone greeted him and as he wants the people was also there, well they were in the gardens as an extension of the Grand Hall.

The party was running smoothly and Aleyna came to me and nodded at me. I came up front with Aiden. I looked everywhere, everyone was there, Aideline and Noah with there own blessing, Noaline. Our parents was also there and every leader and of course the people of Surzona.

"Everyone...I think I would like to give my gift to Aiden now, in front of you all as a witness." They all smiled and felt excited so those Aiden.

He came closer and held my hand.

"Everyone,  I am giving a gift to our dear King that will come after 8 more months." There faces were undescribable so does Aiden.

"Clare..." I looked back at Aiden.


"Am I...Are going to be parents?" I nodded with a bit of a laugh.

"Oh my god." He hugged me and took the mic from me. "Everyone, Queen Clare and I will have an Heir, the Heir of Surzona." Everyone cheered.

Aiden hugged me at once and looked at me almost teary eyed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I laughed.

"Then it would be a secret, Your Majesty." he smirked.

"I'm going to be a father."

"Yes you are, Aiden."

"Oh Clare...I love you." he kissed me.

"I love you too." he touched my tummy and knelt down.

"I love you too little one, I promise you, I'll take care of you and you're mother. In every step of the way."

There you have it peeps, the  plus bonus scenes. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year guys :)


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