Ep2"The allure of dominion"

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I, Erebos, king of the gods, speak to you from beyond the veil of time, as the celestial plane is a space carrying many realms, you could call it out universe and it is not bound by time nor it's limits

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I, Erebos, king of the gods, speak to you from beyond the veil of time, as the celestial plane is a space carrying many realms, you could call it out universe and it is not bound by time nor it's limits.

In the celestial plane, we are divided into three castes: the Kyrix, the high gods, who wield devastating power; the Aethon, the mid gods, who serve as guardians and enforcers and as subjects; and the Daemor, the entities, who encompass all other divine beings.

I, along with Ravina, Wrath, Eiyos, Arkeon, and Zovrath, have been tasked by a higher being, the author to descend upon the Snowy World, a realm beset by the abominable Kralions.

I, along with Ravina, Wrath, Eiyos, Arkeon, and Zovrath, have been tasked by a higher being, the author to descend upon the Snowy World, a realm beset by the abominable Kralions

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fearsome entities with fangs,  crimson eyes, four arms, and wings as black as the void. Their skin like black armor, and they speak in the divine tongue of the Aeth'kor, a language only we six the Kyrix can decipher.

Our mission is to vanquish these monsters who consume anyone who would dare stand against them and retrieve the powerful Aetherblade, a weapon foretold to disrupt the very balance of the cosmos

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Our mission is to vanquish these monsters who consume anyone who would dare stand against them and retrieve the powerful Aetherblade, a weapon foretold to disrupt the very balance of the cosmos.

The celestial plane, in khionia.

Eberos' POV.

As we descended, the realm of Khionia unfolded before us like a frozen tapestry. Snowflakes swirled around us, casting a serene veil over the icy landscape. My companions, the five gods, rode their winged steeds(winged horses) with an air of anticipation, their breath misting in the chill air.

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