Ep4"The answered challenge"

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The carnifex arena,
Eberos' POV.

    In the Carnifex Arena, I faced Wrath, our eyes locked in fierce determination

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    In the Carnifex Arena, I faced Wrath, our eyes locked in fierce determination. My golden bow materialized in a flash of yellow light, its power surging through me. Simultaneously, a suit of gleaming gold armor encased me, its plates shifting to fit my form perfectly.

The crowd erupted into cheers, their voices thundering through the arena like a living thing.

"Eberos! Eberos!" "Wrath, wrath"

"Eberos! Eberos!" "Wrath, wrath"

they chanted, their fervor fueling my determination.

Wrath sneered, his massive sword already at the ready. "How I've waited, for a moment such as this Eberos!"

I drew back my bowstring, the air around me crackling with energy.
" I agree." I retorted, releasing the string. A blindingly bright yellow lightning bolt shot forth from my bow, streaking towards Wrath with incredible speed.

The crowd gasped in unison as the lightning bolt struck Wrath's sword as he used his weapon to block, the force of the impact sending shockwaves through the arena. The stands shook beneath their feet, but they stood firm, their cheers growing louder.

The remaining four gods up at the gallery watching from above, Zovrath,  Eiyos, Ravina and arkeon.

Wrath counterattacked, his sword flashing in the arena lights as he struck at my helmet. I raised my arm, and my gold armor glowed with a soft, pulsing light. The sword bounced off my forearm, the impact sending shockwaves through my arm.

The crowd roared, their voices a deafening cacophony.
"Eberos! Eberos!" they chanted, their fervor fueling my strength.

I gritted my teeth, firing another yellow lightning bolt at Wrath's exposed side. He spun, avoiding the bolt As he turned, he swung his sword in a vicious backhand, aiming for my knee.

I leapt, avoiding the attack, and fired another lightning bolt at Wrath's sword arm. The bolt struck true, enveloping his arm in a blaze of yellow light. Wrath grunted, his arm jerking back as the lightning bolt's energy coursed through him in pain.

The crowd was on its feet now, their cheers and chants a never-ending tide of noise. I fed off their energy, my determination growing with each passing moment.

Wrath sword vanished in flames and he said.
"I don't need a weapon to beat you Eberos."

I sensed a shift in his strategy. I followed suit, my golden bow in flash of light dematerialized and my helmet vanished, revealing my determined face to the crowd. The air was electric with anticipation as we circled each other, our eyes locked in fierce intensity.

The crowd's chants grew louder, their voices a deafening roar.

"Eberos! Eberos!"

"Wrath! Wrath!"

But Wrath's eyes gleamed with a newfound ferocity, his muscles tensing as he embraced the anger and rage fueling him.

We clashed, our fists flying in a flurry of punches and kicks. I landed a solid blow to Wrath's jaw, but he absorbed the impact, his face twisted in a snarl. He countered with a devastating combination, his fists pummeling my chest and abdomen.

I stumbled back, gasping for breath, but Wrath pressed his advantage. His hands closed around my throat, squeezing with crushing force. I tried to break free, but his grip was unyielding.

The crowd's chants began to shift, their voices favoring Wrath.

"Wrath! Wrath!"
How do you beat a god who thrives on violence.
They roared, their fervor fueling his strength.

With a final surge of adrenaline, Wrath lifted me off the ground, his hands still clasped around my throat. I struggled, but it was too late. He slammed me to the ground, his fingers releasing their grip.

As I lay there, dazed and defeated, the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Wrath! Wrath!"

they chanted, their voices thundering through the arena. Wrath stood tall, not even a hint of exhaustion from him, his eyes aglow with triumph.

Wraths POV.

I stood victorious, my sword materialized, I had pointed it at the defeated Eberos. "now, thou shalt perish, king of gods!" i declared, my voice thundering through the arena.

but, before i could strike the final blow, azorath appeared before me. "enough of this madness!" his voice stern and commanding.

"Zovrath! You dare?!" i spat, my anger boiling over. "i won this battle fair and square. thou shalt not deny me my triumph!"

zovrath stood firm, his eyes blazing with a fierce inner light. "You will not slay him, wrath, not in this manner. You provoked him to battle, and now thou wouldst take his life? is this how you desire to ascend to the throne?"

i snarled, my sword trembling with rage. "i care not what you think of me, azorath. move aside, lest i move you myself!"

but, before i could act, ravina another of the high gods appeared behind me. "and if thou slayest him, wrath, what would the author think of this?" she asked, her voice dripping with subtle menace.

the arena fell silent, as if the very gods themselves held their breath. i knew not what to say, for i had not considered the author's wrath.

"verily, we desired sport and entertainment," ravina continued, "but not at the cost of life. the author shall be displeased, and you, wrath maybe powerful but not like him."

my sword vanished in a blaze of flames, and i knew i was defeated in speech but I had won in many ways than one, all I needed was a display of strength over the Eberos and that I have done.

Eberos' POV.

As I lay on the ground, dazed and defeated, I felt strong arms lift me up. Zovrath and Ravina stood on either side, their faces etched with concern.

"Thank you" I said, my voice weak but grateful.

But Zovrath's expression turned stern. "I warned you, Eberos. I told you not to do this."

I nodded, still trying to clear my head. "I know, Zovrath. I was blinded by my own pride."

Zovrath said."You are not weak, Eberos. You are brave and strong. But now, the other gods may doubt you. They may think Wrath more powerful than you."

Ravina's words cut deep. "And they will want him to be king. They will see your defeat as a sign of weakness, and Wrath's victory as a sign of strength."

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