Ep5"gods amongst us"

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In the realm of eternity,
At the Kyreion.

Ravina's POV.

The six high gods gathered within the throne room, a circular structure, its powerful-inspired architecture a testament to their divine power.

The air was thick with anticipation as they convened around the expansive, holographic image of the cosmos that dominated the center of the room.

Eberos, the king of the gods, stood at the forefront, his piercing gaze surveying the entire cosmos.

With him stood us, the high gods, Wrath, Zovrath, Eiyos, Arkeon and I.

The holographic image of the cosmos pulsed with vibrant colors, revealing the intricate web of celestial bodies and events unfolding across the universe.

We watched with our divine senses attuned to the subtlest vibrations within the cosmic fabric.

"Everything is as it should be, there is balance and that is what has been instructed of us to maintain

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"Everything is as it should be, there is balance and that is what has been instructed of us to maintain."
Zovrath said.

"True, but the price of this balance didn't come cheap, so many perished to make this order stand, and the mortals we fight to protect are unaware of our existence... sad."
Arkeon replied him.

Eiyos looked to arkeon and replied.
"We are not to interfere on earth, or on any plane for that matter rather than the celestial plane, you don't want to entice the author's wrath."

She looked back to the hologram of the cosmos before them." But still can't help but wonder, we are the protectors of these ones why do they not bow at our feet?!"

Eberos the king of the gods sighed and said to them.
"Because we do not need the worship of mortals to thrive, our strength is not gotten from thier acknowledging us, it's gotten from us being us... the high gods."

Wrath chuckled and replied,
"We all speak of the author like he is in our very mist. Tell me oh gods, when last did we see the author?
He has been in the Realm of creation for eons. Let us not lie, maybe valtor was right, we gods deserved to be worshipped...."

Eberos' voice intercepting wrath.
"And it is that kind of talk that got valtor imprisoned for a millennia till present, imprisoned by the author."

As i listened to the debate, I suddenly felt the Aethereblade's power stirring within me, I had stolen the blade and in time non had been able to find it.

I had used the blades power to cloth the blade it self, making it impossible to detect.

With it's power, I'm sure to be even stronger than the high gods.

Its voice whispered a suggestion, the blade had a voice, soothing whispers that spoke but I tried to keep under control. It came in a subtle prompt that I couldn't ignore.

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