Ep6"A glimpse into the future"

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The author's POV.


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This realm is the realm above all realms, I dwell here along with those gods or entities who have passed on one way or the other.

Beyond this place I don't intervene in anything. In any story, in any life, in any battle...nothing.

if I intervened at any time, it was because the matter would have been something of great weight or I decided to.

And there isn't much that draws out my attention but there was a time....

I had imprisoned a god named valtor the anti life god who sort to destroy all creation and recreate all to suit his own purpose.

He was the only one of my creations to have once defeated all the gods and almost even me.

Now he is imprisoned bound in the hellish Realm of shadows, a place built not just as a kingdom but to punish even the dead.

Now he is imprisoned bound in the hellish Realm of shadows, a place built not just as a kingdom but to punish even the dead

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Eberos' POV.

I was teleported from the throne which I sat and appeared on my knees before the author in his throne room.

The divine light emanating from His presence enveloped me, he was with a bright blue glow.

I bowed my face, humility and reverence washing over me.

"Father," I whispered.

The Author's calm voice belied the turmoil brewing within. "I have summoned you, Eberos, for two pressing matters. One weighs most heavy upon me."

I dared not look up, sensing the gravity of His words.

"The earth realm now knows of the gods' existence," He continued. "This revelation will have repercussions and do not bother waiting for the response from the mortals, they will not consent to the rule of the gods."

On hearing this my heart sank.

"And secondly, I write a new future, one in which cannot be stopped. The Atherblade, lost and unrecovered is of greater consequence than the first."

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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