Ep3"I am war"

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The Realm of Eternity is a divine golden city that shines with an aura of boundless power and timelessness

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The Realm of Eternity is a divine golden city that shines with an aura of boundless power and timelessness.
Its majestic architecture seems to defy reality, and the air is alive with cosmic energy

The city is filled with golden light, and its heart features the Great Plaza of the gods, where the high gods(kyrix) shape the destiny of the cosmos. The Realm of Eternity is basically home to the high gods, although many other gods(mid gods_Aethon ) dwell here also, along side entities(daemor).

Wraths POV.

At the carnifex arena.

The Carnifex Arena, If I were a betting being I would say this is the biggest arena you would ever see

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The Carnifex Arena, If I were a betting being I would say this is the biggest arena you would ever see.

An arena so grand and majestic your very breath is taking away at it's mighty length and it's incredible height, mortals would be as ants standing here, even gods felt small in the arena.

For this is where the gods gather to indulge in the finest spectacle of all - the thrill of combat. As I, Wrath, god of War, step into this revered battleground, the air is electric with anticipation. The arena erupts into a cacophony of cheers and chants, the buzzing crowd a living entity that hungers for the clash of steel and the scent of blood.

The arena's walls, adorned with the symbols of a thousand battles, seem to reverberate with the echoes of past glories and atrocities.

The Carnifex Arena is our playground, where the gods come to unleash their fury, to test their strength, and to entertain themselves with the bloody games of war. And I, Wrath, am its master, the conductor of this grand symphony of chaos and destruction.

"Let the games begin!"

I being one of the six high gods have chosen to put my self in the games, the remaining five high gods - Eberos, Ravina, Arkeon, Eiyos, and Zovrath - sit enthroned on the highest floor of the divine gallery, overlooking the Carnifex Arena.

They watch the games with silent, impassive faces, yet their eyes betray their excitement and thirst for combat.

"Release the mighty othaxian!"
I screamed at the top of my voice.
The crowd erupted again but louder thier screams would definitely deafen mortals.

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