Chapter 5

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Pauline is so distraught she faints from the stress, waking four hours later in the Refugee Camp from a nightmare about Jackie's death. Kotaro reassures Pauline that with Sora's and his help, she will get her brother back. Determined, Sora, Kotaro and Pauline walk through the Colony 6 Entrance at the upper level of Bionis' Leg. Pauline points out that the front gate to the colony is probably heavily guarded by Mechon soldiers, so just entering directly through the gate would be too dangerous. She then adds that underneath the Colony is an and that they are connected, so their best chance would be to go through the Ether mines.

The three explore the Ether Mine until they run into Otharon, who reveals that Gaiza disappeared after a failed surprise attack with only his rifle left behind, and that Mechon take the captured Homs to the Central Pit. Sora has a vision of Otharon shooting the Faced Mechon in a Mobile Artillery, but falling into a lake of ether in the process. Sora tries to warn Otharon, but changes his mind at the last moment, convinced Otharon will not believe him. Otharon leaves the group impatiently to go ahead

Once they get to the base of the mine they are surrounded by Mechon, and their leader, the same Faced Mechon that took Jackie, introduces himself as Xord. Pauline demands to know where Jackie and the others are. Xord replies "Jackie? If you mean the brat, he's right here!" pointing at a diamond shaped force-field with an unconscious Jackie trapped inside. "As for the others... Well... I just couldn't help myself! I ate them all up!" Otharon sneaks into the chamber and overhears everything Xord just said.

Enraged, Sora, Kotaro and Pauline fight against Xord, but Xord's strength proves overwhelming. Otharon manages to sneak into a Mobile Artillery Unit and fights Xord himself. Sora, however, realises that this is the place where Otharon is to die, and quickly thinks of a plan to save him. Otharon begins to push Xord into the ether river below, where he will disintegrate. In dedication to Gaiza, Otharon pushes Xord enough for him to fall in, but the unit begins to fall in as well. Sora manages to manoeuvre a mobile crane, which he uses to grab Otharon's vehicle but the unit suffers an explosion throws Otharon into the air. Sora thinks she has failed, but Kotaro runs up the crane and grabs Otharon in mid-air, saving his life.

Otharon apologizes to Sora for his behaviour and thanks her, recognising her abilities. He then gives Pauline an Gaiza's Rifle. With Jackie also in hand, the group begins to head back to the Refugee Camp, but while ascending on the Elevator, a severely weakened Xord reappears and attacks them. His armour has been corroded by the ether and he is defeated easily. Just before he dies, he mentions that Sora has yet to unlock the true power of the Monado. When Sora asks what he means, Xord topples down the elevator shaft and explodes.

The group arrives outside, around the Bionis' waist, where they are suddenly confronted by a now-talking Metal Face and several in identical appearance to Xord. Metal Face taunts Sora about Ikaruga's death, and the group attacks him; however, the sheer number of Mechon is overwhelming. Dickson and Murasame, now well enough to fight with his uninjured hand, arrive as reinforcements but are still surpassed by the Mechon.

Suddenly, a mysterious flying creature, which Dickson recognise as a Telethia, attacks the Mechon, wiping out most of them and injuring Metal Face. Sora manages to hit Metal Face with the Monado, denting its armour. At the same time, Sora receives a vision in which she easily defeats Metal Face. The Mechon flee, and the Telethia goes also, landing on a hill beside an unknown Homs who asks about Sora and gets good news. Sora then tells the group about her vision, and Dickson deciphers that the vision takes place on Prison Islands, at the Bionis' head where the presumed mythical High Entia are said to live. The group decide to go there next.

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