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Chapter 4.

I scan the crowd for Dani, I find her in a corner with some other girls. I walk upto them, "Hey girls" I smile. "Em!" Dani wraps her arms around neck, "How did it go?" she lets me go and gives me look. "Well, she really is beautiful." All the girls tell me I'm right and I giggle, "How did it go for you?" "Goddd, Emily, she is amazinngggg. And I got a hugging picture!" "Wow! That's amazing, Dani! Now that I think about it, I totally forgot to ask for my pose, oops" I kiss her cheek, we chat with the girls for a few minutes 'till the woman is back to tell us we can go to the arena. Dani grabs my hand and squeezes it, "I can't wait" I squeeze back, "Me neither" I whipser. As we walk into the arena I see that we are first, Dani runs upto the stage, "THIS IS A GOOD SPOT!" She yells over her shoulder to me. "This is our spot, wow, did you check that?" I stand nexto her, we really are close to the stage. My stomach turns again, Demi will be on this stage within like twenty minutes, and I am standing so so so close to it. "Lol, no I didn't" Dani chats with some other fans as I look around the arena, it is so big.. All the other people from the VIP are around the stage now, their voices are quiet. The woman, once again, walks upto the stage. "I hope you all found your seats! All the other people are coming in now, if anything is wrong there are a lot of guards so just ask them. But I hope you all enjoy the night! Thanks for joining us here tonight, bye" The last sentence came out so akward that I felt bad for her. The boys and girls scream and light falls into the arena as the doors open to let in about 40.000 people. I get nervous about the fact that I will be surrounded by a lot of people any minute but I stay calm. Dani turns to me, she now has her phone in her hand, "Have fun, Em" She smiles at me, I smile back, "Thank you, you too" I don't bother taking my phone out, I wanna enjoy the concert and not being busy with recording everything. When the arena is filled up, the doors closed and the lights off, a piece of reality hits me. This really is happening, I am at a Demi Lovato concert. Wow.
Music starts playing, lights are flashing, people are screaming. I am dancing on the beat and wait for something to happen. Then, out of nowhere, Demi pops up. My stomach makes this weird turn and a big smile appears on my face, I know this song.
"You wanna play, you wanna stay
you wanna have it all" I sing along and watch her, she is wearing shorts and a cropped top. Way less than she is used to, I believe, but this suits her very well. The song ends and she stands behind her microphone, I look at her face on the big screen and then back to her. She scans the crowd real quick, "Good evening guys" the crowd screams, I find myself doing the same. "Thanks for being her tonight" She smiles and the music starts playing, "I love you all very much" I don't recognize the song but it sounds so beautiful, I can hear Dani yelling the lyrics nexto me. "MY LOVE IS LIKE A STAR, YEAAAH, YOU CAN'T ALWAYS SEE ME BUT YOU KNOWWWW THAT IM ALWAYS THEREEEEE" I love how Demi puts so much emotion and passion into all of her songs, she sang Heart Attack, My Love is Like a Star, Really don't Care, Here we go Again and Catch me/Don't Forget. She now sits behind a piano. "So, this next few songs, mean a lot to me.." She scans the crowd again, but her eyes lock with mine this time. I can feel my cheeks turn red slowly. "I have been through a lot but I am tired of telling my story" her eyes are still locked with mine, "I want to be known for my music and not for my story anymore.. And I know that those songs are a part of me and a part of my story but I really want something new" She seems sad, I give her a little smile, she smiles back and continue's; "That's why I am gonna sing these songs one more time before I introduce you guys to something new soom" The crowd goes crazy, I am still looking at Demi but Dani starts talking me and I have to look away, "This means new music!! Emily! This is something BIG!" She is jumping up and down, "Yes I know!" I say, faking my excitment. I want to be known for my music, not my story. I keep staring at her as she sings the words to Warrior and Skyscraper. This girls is amazing and I have this feeling that her new music will be amazing.
The people slowly walk out of the arena, Dani and I patienly wait till we can start walking. "This was so amazing! I can't thank you enough for this!" I give her a hug, "It was my pleasure, Dani. I had fun too!" Dani and I walk out of the arena back to the car. "I hope I didn't look like a dead pig in my meet and greet photo" Dani looks at me with pain in her eyes, I can't help it but burst into laughter. "A dead pig?!" I scream. "What, I am serious!" She looks at me from over the car, I try to grab my car keys from my bag but I keep laughing. "Well, I hope I don't look like a dead cow" I scream again, "Em, this shit ain't funny" "Okay, okay, sorry." I wipe away my tears and finally manage to grab my keys. We get in the car, I start the car and drive. I bite my lip, I still haven't discussed it with Dani yet, I feel so bad, everything is set up; date, tickets, home. Everything, mom knows about it but- but I haven't told Dani yet. I just couldn't do it and I still can't... "What are you thinking of?" She is staring at me, I glance over at her, "nothing, just how amazing it was" I fake a little smile, how the hell am I supposed to tell her this. Dani reaches into her pocket and gets out her phone, she starts watching the concert video's. "When will we get our pictures?" I drum on the wheel on the beat of the music that comes out of Dani's phone. "Tomorrow morning I thought, maybe later. Soon anyway" She nods, "Mmh, kay"
"Hey, Jenn" "Hey babe, how are you?" "I'm fine, I just needed to talk.." "I will be back soon!" "I know, I know but.." "Oh, the thing? You still haven't told her, have you...?" I shake my head, "no, I haven't..." I feel some tears behind my eyes. "I am just so scared, I remember how hard it was to tell you the news" "Yes but Em, it ain't d-day. It's not like you're gone forever or something.." "No, that's true but just the idea of.." "I know, I will be back tomorrow, you will pick me up, right?" "Yea, I will be there" I open my laptop while holding my phone between my ear and shoulder, I have an E-mail. "How was the concert by the way?" "Amazing, I just got my meet and greet in the mail" "Cool! Text it to me!" "I will, but I gotta go, things to do..." "I get it, just know that it's your life and your should live YOUR dreams!" I smile, "I know, thank you. I luvvvv you" "Luvvvv back, byeee" I giggle and hang the phone, I stare at my picture. I decide just to leave it there for now and I go on Twitter, I frown, what the he-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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