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Chapter 3.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?" "I'm great" my jaw drops, she is so beautiful.. "Y-You are insanely beautiful, Demi..."she giggles, "so are you, girl!" that giggle, oh my god! "So, shall we take the picture?" I nod, I wrap my arm around her and feel her bare skin. She is wearing this cropped top with a highwaisted jeans, you can see half of her belly. The jeans is very ripped, her right knee is all bare and her left thigh is showing. Her shoes are black boots with a thick sole, it makes her taller. Apparently she dyed her hair cause I can't remember it being all purple last time Dani showed a picture, her make-up is very dark and it makes her eyes look so good. Her lips have this light pink colour and her cheeks, oh god her cheeks, her cheeks are shining. "Smile" I snap out of my thoughts and smile for the picture. "Thank you so much!" "No, thank you baby! What your name?" "Emily.." "Well, Emily, I hope I see you later tonight." I smile, I feel a tear rolling down over my face, "goodluck tonight, bye." "Bye, beautiful!" A security guard grabs my arm and leads me to the exit, a girl with a sweet voice gives me a exclusive bag, I say thanks and search for Dani. "Em!" Dani's cheeks are all wet and her eyes are puffy, "Wh-what happend to you?!" "Eh, I met Demetria, remember? What's up with you?" "I- I don't know.." "Emily?" I look at Dani, she looks blury, "EMILY!!" I open my eyes, wha- "Emily, why are you still in the shower?! We gotta leave in one hour and I know you need more than that to get ready!" "Shit..." I turn off the shower and get out, "Thank you, Dani! Will be done in a minute!" "Yea, sure. Just be done in time!" I rush out of the shower and dry myself, I put on the clothes I picked out yesterday and quickly blowdry my hair. I look at my phone, only twenty minutes left. I picture my make-up look in my head and start working. "Emily!" "Almost done! Only my lipstick!" I pick a colour and grab my bag, I put on a coat and shoes. After I double checked my make-up and bag I go downstairs. "I'm ready" "It's about time.." Dani rolls her eyes but laughes, "let's go!" Mom smiles at us, "have fun girls!" Dani runs outside, mum grabs my arm, "be careful and keep an eye on your sister.." "I will mom, we will be home around eleven, I love you" I kiss her cheek. I grab my carkeys, kiss my mom bye one last time and then go outside where Dani is jumping around my car. "Dani, you better be calm the way over. You will only make me nervous, which is not neccesary" "Not neccesary? We are MEETING Demi Lovato! I'm nervous as hell! I know exactly what to say but I am sure as hell that I will just stand there speechless, staring at her beauty.." I get in my car, "Dani, she is a human too. If you treat her like that-" I start my car, "It will be just fine, you will say the things you want to say, take a picture and that's it. She may be super famous and stuff but she is just a human too." "I know" she bites her lip, "I know you're right but it's just.. She has done so many things for so many boys and girls and it's not that I have the chance to talk to her every day.. I only have like one minute and I have a million things to say..." Her voice cracks, I lay my hand on her leg, "It will be just fine, Dani.." I look at her, "I love you" "I love you too" I put my hand back on the wheel and we continue our one hour drive.
"Do you see a spot?" "No I'm looking, calm down" "I don't wanna be late" I search for a spot to park my car, "there!" I park my car and check my bag, "do I have everything?" "Em, what are you so nervous for?" "I'm not nervous. I just don't wanna forget anything.." I take a deep breath, god, she's right. I am nervous and I don't even know why. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I am nervous. I guess it's because this is your day, you are meeting the person that means the most to me and I want it to be perfect.." Dani gives me a smile, "It already is" she bends over to kiss my cheek, "Shall we go?" I nod and get out of the car. We walk upto the arena, "look at the line already!" "It won't take that long, there are only like 150 meet and greet tickets so..." "I'm nervous, Em" "Don't be" I check my phone, one missed call; Luke. I shrug and lock it again, "50 minutes till they open the doors!" Dani smiles, "Thank you, you are the best sister ever. I'm so excited!" I give her a side hug while we continue walking to the line, once we reach it I let go of her. We make ourselfs comfortable and both go play games on our phone. "Dani?" I look up, Dani smiles at this girl who walkes up to us. "Jady!" They give eachother a hug and look at eachother, "I can't believe this is happening!" Dani turns to me, "Emily, this is Jady, I've been talking to her for a couple of months now. I met her through my fanaccount." I shake hands with the girl, "Hi, nice to meet you" "So, do you have a meet and greet too?" Jady shakes her head no, "I was too late, but my friends and I are here early so we can get close to the stage. Maybe we can get to eachother since you can get in before me, you will be close anyway... And you are gonna meet her! I'm so happy for you!" I smile, the girls continue their chat and I look back at my phone. Incoming call; Luke. I roll my eyes, "Hello" "Emily! Hi!" "What is it?" "I've been trying to reach you for like two weeks!" "Yea, I've been pretty busy.." "Oh, well, can we meet up?" "No sorry, I have something" "Oh.." I sigh, "Luke, I had a great evening but I don't think we can work out so can you please stop calling me.." I bite my lip, I didn't mean to be rude.. "Oh.. I, I'm sorry" "Are we clear?" "Yea.." "I'm sorry, Luke.. I really am" "It's fine, we had a great time. Sad that it's over but you can't change your feelings. Bye, Emily" "Bye" I end the call, Dani looks at me while raising her eyebrow, "It was Luke, he thinks we're something that we're not..." I explain to her. "Hey! That's a Demi song!" "What?" "Something that we're not!" "Oh, cool.." I giggle, everytime I say something Dani knows a way to involve Demi. "Maybe she will sing it tonight!" "Yea, maybe" I smile, thirty minutes left...
"Oh my god, there is someone coming!" Dani squeezes my hand softly. The doors open and a woman says a few things before the first people can go in. "I've gotta pee..." I laugh, "I'm sure you're not the only one, Dani. You can pee" We get closer to the door, I can hear the womans voice now. "Hello, there are a few rules" the woman gives us a smile, "stay in line, try not to cry when you meet Miss Lovato and do not fight with other fans" She looks at Dani, "The bathroom is on the left side, young lady" Dani giggles, "Thank you" we go in and I look around, there are so many people.. While Dani is using the bathroom I watch boys and girls talking to eachother, all excited. I recognize some of the behaviour from my 'fans' when they meet me. Touching eachother, giggling, looking at their phone all the time and for the girls; doing their hair. I am so in my thoughts that I don't see that Dani stands next to me again. "I'm nervous.." I blink my eyes to wake from my thoughts and look at her, "why?" I sigh and lean against the wall. "Because I'm about to meet my freaking idol!" "She is just another human being too, Dani..." I sigh again and now get annoyed by it, I look around to see if I can get something to drink. "I know but she is a special human being" "Every human being has the same rights." My eye catches the words 'SODA AND COFFEE' and I tense up, coffee... "I- I am getting something to drink, do you want some?" Dani shakes her head, "No, it only makes me need to go to the bathroom.." I giggle, "Okay, I will be right back" I walk away, leaving Dani alone with the wall and a room full of voices. I walk out of the room to the coffee stand, "one coffee please" I smile at the boy, he nods and turns around to make it for me. "There you go" he says while turning around. "Thanks, how much is it?" I reach in my pockets to get some cash, "It's part of the VIP" He gives me a little smile. "Oh" I blush, "thank you" I turn around and notice that the room is even filled with more noise than before I went to get some coffee. I take a sip and walk towards Dani, "What time is it?" She checks her watch, "Twenty more minutes, if that is what you meant" I giggle, take a sip again and lean my head back against the wall.
"OKAY! LISTEN UP EVERYBODY!" A woman is standing on a table in the center of the room, it's the same woman who let us in before. "So, the meet and greet will start any minute, I want you all to stay calm and line up" The room fills with voices again and everyone tries to get a spot in the line. "GUYS! HEY!" her cheeks turn red because of the screams she just let out. When everyone's quiet again she continues, "You will get about three minutes with Lovato and one picture. Listen to the guards and try not to cry. Now make a line, peacefully. You will all meet her soon or late." The woman gets of the table and tells the people where to line up, Dani and I are still leaning against the wall. When everyone is lined up I poke Dani in her side, "Come on" I throw away my coffee cup in the trashcan nexto me and we walk upto the line, we're last and I couldn't be happier about that. Dani hasn't said a word since the people started lining up, she is just staring like she's a zombie. "Woo-oo" I wave my hand infront of her face, "Somebody inthere?" She blinks and she looks at me, "I am so nervous..." "Awh, don't be" I wrap my arms around me as we step forward, the first persons are in the meet and greet right now. "Just a few more minutes, Dani, and it will be over before you know it."
Dani gasps, we're the only ones left. The woman walks upto us, "last ones, are you guys going in seperatly?" I glance at Dani who has lost all of the color in her face. "Yes, we are" I give the woman a smile as she nods and walks back into the m&g room. "Dani," I turn to her, "You can go first, you can do it, say the things you want her to know and enjoy the moment." She gives me a little smile, takes a deep breathe and follows the woman inside. I smile as I see her walk away, this is her dream and it's finally coming true. I stare at the clock, it's been two minutes. I feel my stomach turn, wait, what's happening. Am I nervous? I put my hands on my waist and start walking up and down the empty room. "Girl?" I hear a voice, I turn around. "Yes?" It belongs to the woman again, "You can go in" "Okay" I close my eyes for a second, take a deep breathe and then walk upto the woman. "Let's go" She walks fast, I can barely keep up, then suddenly she stops. "Here it is" she points at a door, "Enjoy" she lays her hand on the handle and I can feel my heart race now. Keep calm, keep calm, she is just a human too. She opens the door and I walk in, infront of me stands the most beautiful woman on earth. She is even more beautiful then in the photo's and video's Dani always shows me. She smiles when she sees me, "Hey sweetheart, how are you?" I start at her for a second and then calm down. "Hi, I'm good, how are you?" "I'm fine, thanks" I slowly walk upto her and she gets more beautiful af every step. She is wearing ripped jeans and cute little boots, her shirt has off-shoulders and an open back so you can see the tattoo she had there. "You must be tired" I glance at her, "Meeting all those boys and girls..?" She gives me weird look, did I say something wrong..? Then she answers, "It is, but I love doing it, I love seeing all the beautiful faces and just getting the change to hug them." I smile, "Yea, that's amazing." I think of the few times I had a meet and greet on these youtube events, it really is an amazing feeling. "I want to thank you for inspiring my little sister so much, she truly became a much happier person when she started listening to your music and stuff" "Awhh, thank you!" She giggles, oh. my. god. "Shall we take the picture?" I nod and step closer to her. I can feel her heat and I can smell her perfume, god. I look at the camera and smile, I feel Demi's arm around my waist and I feel her face on my shoulder. I smile till the photo is taken, I turn to Demi. "Thank you" "You're welcome sweetie" She opens up her arms and I fold my arms around her, I can feel her bare skin. She smiles wide at me, "Nice meeting you" "Nice meeting you too" I walk to the door, as I lay my hand on the handle I feel a soft hand wrapping itself around my wrist. I turn around and look into two big brown eyes, "Wait up, you didn't tell me your name" her cheeks are more red then they were one minute ago, is she blushing? No, it's probably just the heat. I smile, "It's Emily" "I love that name" She let's go of my wrist and steps back, "see you at the show, Emily" she smiles and I nod, I open the door and step out. I walk towards a table with the goodiebags, "Here you go" A girl gives me the bag, "Thank you..." I say, all dreamy, I stare at the ground and slowly turn around.

What just happend?

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