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Chapter 2.

I did what I told myself to, I forgot about Demi. I mean, in that way. I've been really busy with my youtube channel and I love it. It's only two days till the concert and I can't wait, Dani hasn't talked about anything else, so cute. Right now I'm gonna film a video, as I said, busy busy busy. I sit down infront of my camera, "Hi, it's Emily. Today I'm doing a Q&A video. This is number twentytwo, wow!" "Dani! Emily!" I sigh, "What? I'm filming!" "Come downstairs!" I shrug, roll my eyes and turn of my camera then, I grab my phone, put it in my bra and go downstairs. I see mom in the kicthen with Dani, "What's so important that I had to come down fast?" "Sit down" mom says, "both of you.." "momm?" I raise my eyebrow "Emily, sit. Please" I sit down next to Dani. "So as you guys know I've been going out a lot lately." I give my mom a smile, I already know where this is heading to. "Yes?" Dani's being curious as fuck. "Well, I met someone." "Someone?" "Dani." I grab her hand and shake my head no to her. "I've been seing this someone a lot and we made the decision to make it official." "Make what official, mom!" "Dani, let her talk.." Dani jumpes up with tears in her eyes. "Dani" mom seems calm, "John and I have a relationship" "No! Mom! Have you forgotten about dad! He is gone but that doesn't mean that you can't love him anymore!" Tears are rolling down over her face. "I still do love him. I'm just moving on, Dani." "It's not fair!" and with that she leaves the kitchen. "Mom, it isn't your fault. She will cool down, really" I get to my mom and hug her, I dry her tears that has escaped from her eyes. "I will talk to her okay" She nods and I go upstairs. I knock Dani's door, "Leave" "Dani, please" She shrugs and I open the door. Fuck, I forgot Demi was in here. I shake the thoughts away and I sit down next to my sister. "Baby, don't cry" "But I don't get it, Em" "Dani, you can't choose who to love. Mom fell in love with John, that isn't a crime.." "But what about dad?" she looks at me, there is mascara all over her face. "You know dad would've wanted this, us to move on.. This doesn't mean mom doesn't love dad anymore, she just also loves someone else.. You can't be with a dead person, Dani. Like it or not but I want to see mom happy and that's what she is now. I want to see you happy too" "You're right.. It's just hard to face the fact that dad really is gone and that mom is moving on. What if he's gonna live here, what if he's going to play games with us just like dad always did, it will be too hard.." "No one can replace dad. Just try to accept it, okay." I give her a kiss and then go away to finish my Q&A.
I turn off my camera and sigh, it took me 40 minutes to film the Q&A.. I'm gonna get a drink. When I want to open the kitchendoor I hear Dani talking to mom. I let myself fall against the wall and listen. "I didn't mean it like that mom, I'm sorry" "It's fine, I understand you.." I think they are hugging cause it's quiet in there. I smile and open the door, "Hi" "Hi Em" I grab a sprite, open it and take a sip. "What are you gonna wear to the concert?" I shrug, "I don't know yet.. You? Maybe I can match it a little" "You always look good so that won't be a problem.. I'm gonna wear a simple blue jeans with my 'stay strong' sweater.." "Do you want me to do your make-up?" Her eyes widen, "Yes!" I giggle, "Okayy, well, I think I'm gonna wear a black ripped jeans with a white tee" I smile, "Oh and some jewerly ofcourse" "I don't want to ruin this convo ladies but I'm leaving" Mom gives us both a kiss and we say her bye. "Do you know what pose you want?" "Pose?" "Have you never seen Demi's meet and greets before?!" "Eh... no?" "Well she is crazy so you can ask her to do any pose, unless the security is being a bitch.." "Oh, I'm gonna ask her to do a kiss pose" I wink. "I want a hug pose.." "Just a few more days babe!" Great, now I was thinking about Demi and me kissing, I was still thinking about what pose I wanted so I decided to look up some. I didn't found one I really liked but I came up with one, now only the day has to come. "Oh Dani, about the concert. We will leave around 12, we will be there around 1 and then we have an hour to wait so I hope we are in front of the line..." "Yea, okay. What should I take with me?" "You can't take drinks but I should take water, we can throw it away there" she nods, "Okayy, I still can't believe we're gonna meet the queen.." I laugh at the word 'queen' but she actually is so, "Yea, you're right. I can't believe it either" "I'm going to my room," I kiss her cheek, "bye babe" when I walk away she hits my ass, "bitch!" she laughs really hard. "That hurts!" I rub over my sore ass and pout. Dani is still laughing her ass off and I just walk away, I will get her later. When I'm in my room I decide to watch some concert video's. If you're front row you get the chance to touch her, where were our seats again? I go to the website and gasp, we are front row! I'm glad it are seats and not that you have to stand and push your way to the front. I know that Dani doesn't know where our seats are and I would like it to keep that a surprise. I continue watching video's, I find out that skyscraper is a beautiful song and so is warrior. I tear up a little by seeing Demi putting so much emotion in her songs. It's 11pm when I close my laptop, I wash my face and put on a sweatpants and tanktop. Then I go to sleep. The next morning I wake up early, it's payback time. I go to my bathroom and get some icecold water plus some shaving foam. I sneak into Dani's room and put shaving foam in both of her hands, then I let the icecold water drip into the shirt. She wakes up immediately, now she has shaving foam all over her shirt and face and I fall onto the ground from laughing. "You bitch! HOW DARE YOU!" I'm still laughing really hard and she is now on top of me, rubbing the shaving foam in my face. "Who's the bitch here?!" I kick her off me, I wipe the shaving foam away and laugh. "I love you, Dani" I giggle, "I love you too, Em" We both get up to take shower.
When I get out of the shower, I get changed and go down for breakfast. Mom and Dani are already in the kitchen, "goodmorning, I heard what you did to Dani. Emily that's genius!" mom laughs, I sit down and laugh too, "thanks mom!" "You want some juice?" "Yes please" "Dani, you are quiet, what's wrong?" "Tomorrow..." I giggle, "You have to stay alive to meet her, you know that?" Now she giggles, "I know, I'm just mentally preparing on it. I'm going to be in the same room as Demi!" "I know, I know" mom gives me the juice, "thanks" "What are we gonna do today?" "I don't know.. Maybe-" mom cut me off, "John is coming today, I would like it if you two show your face." "Really? sure, what time?" "In two hours.." "Okay, I will get ready right after breakfast." I take a bite from my cracker. "I will be there too.." Dani says soft. "Thank you.." mom whispers back. I smile and finish my breakfast. I have 1,5 hour left so I can do my hair and make-up. I go to my room, get changed in a cute white dress and black heels. I sit behind my make-up desk and choose the colors. My make-up takes me half an hour so I almost have a hour left for my hair. I'm gonna curl it, I love doing this. Just when I finish my last curl, the bell rings, that must be him. I walk out of my room to look downstairs, Dani does the same. "Are you nervous?" I ask her. "You look beautiful" I blush, "So do you babe" We stand there, waiting for mom to call us so we can meet John.. I hear mom giggle, I smile, I love to see her happy. "Girlss!" We go downstairs, halfway the stairs I grab Dani's hand and squeeze it. "It will be fine" I whisper to her, she nods and we go to the livingroom. There he is, John, the guy who made my mom giggle. I walk upto him, "I'm Emily" I smile. He's pretty good looking for a man around 40, he seems to be a guy for mom. Dani shakes his hand too and we all sit down, "Mom can I help you with the tea?" mom nods and they leave me alone with John. "You have a youtube channel, right? Your mother told me about it" I nod, "I have, for a pretty long time now.." "Do you love doing it?" I nod again, "It's amazing" "Great" There is this awkward silence but mom and Dani return soon with the tea. "So, how did you guys met?" I say while taking a sip of my tea, Dani looks at me with a -what the fuck are you doing- look. I just smile at her and wait for my mom and John to answer. "Well, I had a dinner with work and he works at the restaurant we went to. I came back a few times and we started talking and yeah.." "cuteee" Mom blushes and John proudly grabs her hand. Dani tears up a little, I lay my hand on her leg and kiss her shoulder. Mom smiles at me. "So, John" I turn to him, "What's your story?" "I come from a big, lovely family. My fave color is green, I live in London and my wife died five years ago.." "I'm sorry to hear that.." "It's fine, I learned to move on. I still love her the most but you can't be with a dead person.. And I know she wanted me to move on, she always told me that." "What did she died from?" "Cancer.." "I'm sorry.." Dani says out of nowhere, he smiles and says thank you.
"It was nice to meet you, John" I get up and shake his hand. "Nice to meet you too, and you" He shakes Dani's hand, Dani smiles but seems a little scared. I sigh, "Well, we're going up mom. Bye John! See you next time" "Bye girls" I take Dani's hand and we go to my room. "Tell me" "Tell you what?" I close the door, turn to her and raise my eyebrow, "what you think about him" I sit down next to her. "He's nice" "That's all?" I raise my eyebrow again. ''He is very nice, he seems to make mom happy..'' ''I had the same feeling, he seems young tho'' Dani nods, ''He looks 30 not 40'' ''I know right!'' I sigh and lay down on my back, I stare at the ceiling. "Do you think you're able to sleep tonight?" "Why?" "Demi..." "Oh! No! I don't think so!" Dani has this huge smile on her face and I can tell she is happy. "I hope you enjoy tomorrow" "I know I will, thank you again" I look at her and smile, "no thanks babe" "Sooooo" she starts playing with my fingers, "Are you excited about meeting Demiiii?" "What? Yes, ofcourse, it's always exciting to meet a celeb" "Emmmm" "Whattt?" I sit straight and look at her, I roll my eyes. "It's just a dream" I say then I stand up, walk to the door and open it. "Now, if you will excuse me. I'm gonna take a bath." Dani raises her eyebrow but she goes. I close the door and push my back against it, I sigh. It's just a dream..

"Emily?" Mom's voice sounds soft, the knocking on the door sounds hard.. I turn my laptop away and get up, I open the door. "Hi mom" "Hi, can I come in?" "Yes, yes ofcourse!" I step aside and let her in. "Want some water?" "No thank you.." She sits down, "What's the matter mom?" She sighs, ''I just wanted to thank you for being so suportive and nice about John'' ''Awe mom, ofcours I am! I am happy for you, you deserve it!'' I give her a hug, kiss her cheek and smile. She gives me a little smile back, ''I love you'' she stands up, ''have fun and take care tomorrow'' ''we will mom'' she smiles and then walks out. I turn back to my laptop, Demetria Lovato, I let my finger glide over the screen. Why am I so obsessed with her, you can't be in love with someone you've never met before... I scroll through her pictures, I click on one of her with an older man. This must be her boyfriend, if I should believe the tweet. I bite my lip, then click away and close my laptop. I get up and sit infront of my mirror. ''Mom, dad?'' ''Yes love?'' Dad takes a sip of his coffee and looks at me. ''I have to tell you something, but I'm scared...'' ''You don't have to be scared, we will never judge you'' Mom smiles at me. I take a deep breath, ''The past two years, I found out, and I'm 100% sure, that I like boys and girls...' I look down, afraid for whats coming next. ''Emily, look at me'' Dads voice sounds calm, I look up. ''I love you just for who you are, I don't care if you come home with a boy or girl. As long as that person can make you happy, I am too'' A tear rolls down over my face, ''I agree, we want you to be happy. We love you so much'' Mom smiles and so do I. ''Thank you. I love you too.'' I give them a hug and sigh, I'm so relieved. I look at myself and smile, ''You're amazing'' I pick my outfit, jewerly and make-up for tomorrow and get ready for bed. Since I have to look extra good tomorrow, I go to bed earlier than usual, I don't want dark circles under my eyes tomorrow.

"I've seen you on youtube" She pushes me against the wall, then kisses my neck. I let out a moan, "I've seen you on TV" She giggles, wow, that turns me on. She gives me a smile and then starts kissing me passionate. Her tongue begs for entrance and I let her in, I feel her cold hand going under my shirt. Touching my, covered in sweat, body. "EMILY!! WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!" I fear, open my eyes and jump out of my bed. "Dani! Dani what's wrong?!" I search for I don't know what and then look at her. I relax when I realize nothings wrong. "Did you really had to wake me like that?" Her eyes are shining, "Yes, ofcourse I had to!" She jumps around my room like a little monkey, "TODAY IS THE DAY OF THE CONCERT!!" I rub my eyes, sit straight and look at her, "I'm really happy that you're happy but it's 7:30..." I sigh, "Let me take a shower and get ready, we leave at 12 okay?" She nods and runs away, singing Neon Lights. I giggle at the sight, I love to see her this happy.

hope you like it! :)
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