Chapter 18: Green Eyed Stranger

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As the group continued to enjoy their night, Fon’s phone buzzed incessantly on the table, the screen lighting up with message after message from Khongkwan. Each chime cut through the music and laughter, pulling Fon’s attention away from the celebration.

She glanced down at her phone, her heart sinking slightly as she read the messages.

*“Are you home yet?”* 
*“Where are you now?”* 
*“Are you still with Tee?”*

Fon’s chest tightened with a mix of guilt and unease. Khongkwan’s questions were short but loaded with emotion—concern, jealousy, and frustration all wrapped up in those few words. She quickly locked her phone, unsure how to respond.

Som, noticing Fon’s distraction, leaned over with a smirk. “What is it? Khongkwan still trying to check up on you?”

Fon sighed, her eyes flicking between the group and her phone. “Yeah, she’s asking if I’m home… and if I’m still with Tee.”

Kade chuckled, shaking his head. “Guess our plan worked even better than we thought. She’s really feeling it now.”

Tee nudged Fon lightly. “Maybe you should just let her stew for a bit. She needs to realize that you’re not always going to be there waiting for her.”

Fon bit her lip, conflicted. She didn’t want to hurt Khongkwan, but ignoring her messages felt wrong too. “I don’t know… maybe I should just tell her I’m fine.”

Som gently took Fon’s phone from her hand and set it back on the table. “Look, she knows you’re safe. Let her sweat it out. This is what jealousy does—it forces you to face your feelings. Khongkwan needs this.”

Fon hesitated, but she nodded, deciding to leave the phone where it was for now. The group returned to their laughter and drinks, trying to focus on the fun of the night. Yet in the back of Fon’s mind, Khongkwan’s messages lingered, each one a reminder of the complicated emotions between them.

As the night wore on, Fon couldn’t help but wonder what tomorrow would bring—and whether Khongkwan’s jealousy would push them closer together or further apart.

--The morning light streamed through the office windows, a stark contrast to the dim lights of the bar from the night before. Fon sat at her desk, resting her head on her hand, eyes half-closed as she endured a splitting headache from all the drinks. She winced slightly, regretting how much she had indulged the night before.

Yha approached her with a soft smile, noticing her friend's state. "Rough night, huh?" she said, her tone teasing but filled with concern.

Fon groaned in response. "You have no idea. My head’s killing me."

Yha chuckled before glancing at her phone. "Well, you might want to power through it. Don’t forget, we have that meeting with Nita in about half an hour. She’s expecting an update on the partnership proposal."

Fon rubbed her temples, trying to pull herself together. "Right… I almost forgot." She sighed heavily. The thought of sitting in a meeting, discussing business with a pounding headache, made her want to crawl under her desk. But she knew she didn’t have much choice.

Before Fon could fully regain her composure, Nuch hurried over, looking slightly concerned. “Fon, you’ve got a guest on the way up. They’re already in the building.”

Fon frowned in confusion, sitting up a bit straighter. “A guest? Why didn’t the lobby receptionist let me know?”

Just as she finished speaking, a familiar voice echoed through the office, sharp and cutting through the morning quiet. “So, Fon doesn’t accept guests anymore?”

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