☆Your words are always balm for my wounds.☆

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When Sezai heard this thin and weak voice, didn't want to believe to his ears. This barely audiably voice is able to bring tears to Sezai's eyes. But now, these tears aren't appeared on his face because of sorrows, but happiness and joy.

S: Güzide! My beloved woman! -bend over her more and took her face into his palms. -Allah listened my voice and gave you back to us! -said while stroking her face. The woman didn't know very well what happened and didn't remember. She felt her body very weak and didn't know where she was. Realising it, Sezai spoke to her with really calming and quiet voice. -You have to rest my heart. I immediately call Dr. Ömer. Just rest my love. -he stroked her hand and kissed her forehead before he goes to the doctor's office.

The man ran through the full white corridor and turned to Ömer. Without knocking on the door, he came inside.
S: Ömer! Come quickly! -opened the door with exciting and brightened his face by the joy.
Ö: Aa Sezai! What happened? What is this rush? -stepped to him questioningly.
S: Güzide woke up, Ömer! -told it as he couldn't believe it either.
Ö: Come on then! -he was also surprised but on the other hand happy and relieved.

The two men approached the ward, the doctor went in to examine her while Sezai stayed outside and look everything through the window.

Ö: Güzide hanim, do you hear me? -asked while looked at her drip and exchanged it.
G: Yes.. -looked up at him as well as she could, because the white color disturbed her eyes very much. -What happened with me? -asked with the same weak and low voice.
Ö: You had cerebral hemorrhage. But fortunately, it passed and successfully escaped from the worst. You are very strong and will recover soon. Do you feel any pain?
G: No, just weakness. -then turned her head to the right side where the window was. She met face to face with Sezai and saw his worried but joyed face too. She could smile at him a little as her strength let her. Ömer realised it and admired with a smile their love and relationship and continued his explanation.
Ö: Sezai brought you to the hospital in time. We had to operate you immediately, it was dangerous but as I said you were very strong. I exchanged the drip, now you have to rest because you are exhausted. Get well soon, Güzide hanim. -he smiled at her and wanted to go out, but she stopped.
G: Mr. Ömer, when will I go home? -asked him curiously.
Ö: I don't know yet, I have to examine your tests and I come back later. -he went outside where Sezai was waiting.
S: Can I go to her? -asked his friend.
Ö: Of course, just don't tire her out, she is really weak.
S: I pay attention to her, don't worry. Ah, Ömer, do you know where is Ozan or Ümit? -asked him as he didn't meet with them.
Ö: No, but I search them and tell the good news. You just go to her. -put his hand to his friend's shoulder and went away.
Sezai immediately went inside to the ward to see his beloved woman and sat down next to her.
S: How do you feel yourself? -asked her while taking her hand to his.
G: I'm fine my dear. -looking at his eyes saw how he was worrying to her. -Thank you Sezai, if you are not by my side I couldn't survive it. -smiled at him so gratefully.
S: No Güzide, don't say it.. -he was interrupted by her.
G: It is the truth. You are, who helped me to live again and now you survived me. -then turned her face to the table where the flower was. -Ohh, how beautiful! -she started to sit up in the bed.
S: Carefully my dear. -stood up and helped her to sit down and adjusted the pillow behind her back.
G: Thank you. -she took the orchid into her hands and admired it. -Hm Sezai, I never have an orchid with such a beautiful color! Thank you so much for it too! -looked at him with brightened eyes.
S: Your smile gild my whole day. -admired her gladness in silence when the children came inside with a huge rush.
Oz: Mother! -stepped to her and hugged tightly to him.
Ü: Sister! How are you, my dear? -tears ran into his eyes by the happiness.
G: Oh children, my dear! I'm fine. Everything will be fine!
Z: We worried so much about you, Hakime hanim. -wiped her tears away.
G: Oh Zeynep, my daugther come to me. -embranced her tightly and kissed her cheek. -Don't worry, I'm okay.
All of the three hugged her tightly and some tears came out but now it happened because of relief, not because of sorrow and pain.
Sezai and Nazan stood next to each other, when the children let her away from the slight squeezing hug.
G: Nazan.. my dear only friend. -stretched her arm to hug her.
N: You scared us very much Güziş! -hugged her and stroked her back. -I didn't want to believe my ears when I heard the news.
G: Ss, Nazan don't be sad. It passed already. -hugged back tightly while continously glanced at Sezai and saw his anxiety on his face. -Aa, Sezai, did you not know when I can go home? -asked and wanted to pull out of him from his state.
S: I go and ask Ömer. -smiled at her but his face stayed with him.
G: Okay...-looked after him and after turned to the children.

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