Chapter 3: Winnos Conference

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February 24th, 1898, 0900 Hours

Thria Kingdom, Royal Palace.

With the news of the new species circulating inside the Entian military, a lot of the sailors are anticipating to see a response from the aliens for the entire time. The ship Contact 1, captured along with the corpses of the aliens, were sent to the research and development center in the Research Institute of the United Kingdom of Entia, or Research Institute for short. This institute is one of the main branches of the Royal Entia Academy.

The technologies inside the destroyer are scientifically backwards, but what surprised the researchers the most was this thing called Mana Stones. In Winnos, magic does exist, but it is so rare and so weak that even those gifted at it can only use it to make a breeze or a tinder for making campfire. However, the Mana Stones allowed magic users to become as powerful as a dragon, as fast as sound, or act like a human firehose for a short period of time. Ofcourse it did not come without risk - the biology of a Winnosian is simply not capable of harnessing such power, and the daredevils that personally did the experiments either died or become crippled. Particularly the supersonic man and the draconic man - two unfortunate researchers that died in their experiments.

What was not limited by biology however, are machines. One such particularity is the fuel of the destroyer - it was infused with finely granulated magic stones of fire element, so fine that even a sand grain would still be considered big.

Since it has only been less than a week, researchers are just beginning to grasp where to get these mana stones. For now, their small boxes of mana stones from Contact 1 is being meticulously and sparingly used for research, trying to milk them of knowledge and applications as much as possible. This is one of the reasons for the expeditionary force - to look for land, resources, and more importantly, friendly people.

Inside the royal castle of the Thria Kingdom, known for its defenses and status of impregnability even in the harshest of Havik's invasion, lies the conference room for the last 3 conferences of entire Winnos. Inside the fairly big conference room are the monarchs of each nations, their aides, their best ministers and scientists, and a lot of media and military personnel. The tally of monarchs are as follows:

The king of Entia, William, and his wife, Elizabeth.

The queen of Thria, Maria, and her husband, Benito, the marshall of their military.

The young empress of Havik, Beatrice, and her guardian, her personal butler Sebastian who also doubles as their leader of secret service, a protective organization whose main mission is to protect their leaders.

Finally, the king of Valkia, Winston, and his prime minister Adolf, who is the de facto leader of their governance.

All of these powerful leaders in a single location might be subjected to terrorism, so security is tight and multi-layered - in and out of the castle is a tight security measure, and all personnel are in the venue are tagged and has identification cards on them, this includes the scientists and engineers present.

This conference is being broadcasted via radio throughout the citizenry of Winnos, as most of their conferences were using newspapers, this is the first time the conference will be broadcasted in such manner, thanks to the general populace now possessing radio.

As the delegates ready with their reports, and the media with their recording equipment, the conference began. The first to speak is the Queen of Thria "Ladies and gentlemen," The queen of Thria, the emcee of this event, stood up and spoke through a mic. "Today marks the 4th world conference since the Great War. Today, we are to discuss a very important matter regarding not just our nations, but our world as a whole.

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