Chapter 16: Zaratosthra's Arrival

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September 13th, 1898

"Hey! We need more wood here!" 

"On it!"

Construction continues to the next day for the Ivan's group as the midday sun and the pleasant heat basks them. Compared to Annonrial, Winnos is of even hotter temperature due to them being closer to the equatorial regions of the planet. However, the warm sea breeze keeps a nice humidity, and along with being inland gives a fragrant tinge in the air from the various plants in the region. 

As the construction efforts go on, the trucks of materials kept on coming, mostly wood and steel beams. One thing he noticed is how light but tough the wood is, at the same time almost as flexible as Aluminum.

"Do you grow these trees in this country?" Ivan asks as he sit beside a woman who is handing water out, a woman of nice proportions and jet-black hair.

"Hm? The Rotte? Yeah. Turns out only the soil in our world can grow them. We tried growing them in Padia but they just died right after." The Rotte fed on the Littoper particulates spread on the soil of Winnos, causing it to have such a drastic evolution compared to other trees. Consequently, the Rotte is mostly harvested from Havik's mountains, making it a primary export of the nation.

"Come to think of it, I have not asked your name yet right? My name is Ivan Yunn, yours?" He asked with a calm demeanor.

"Caelia Horizon, this place is my hometown, but I work in the Global Humanitarian Force." She said, extending a hand for a handshake. 

Ivan hesitated as he was not really familiar with the gesture, and as he look at her hand, Caelia giggles "It is a handshake. A form of greeting in here."

The two shake hands as a smile appear in their faces. Perplexed, Ivan asked "I am surprised a lot of your people accepts us. I mean, yesterday was the sort of welcome we actually expected. In fact, we expected worse.."

Hearing his words, Caelia looks at the clouds as she speak "You see, our people also experience a war in a bigger scale just 7 years ago. The war lasted for 10 years before it ended, and it costed tens of millions of lives. We just do not want to escalate this war even further." 

Hearing her and a part of the history of their enemy, Ivan could not help but be...afraid. Tens of millions of deaths. He cannot comprehend such a scale. 

"I see.. I cannot imagine it, especially with how beautiful the sceneries we have seen."

Caelia looks at him with a smile, "It is all thanks to the effort of everyone trying to move on to a better future. I mean, look at your people helping us rebuild. I know we forced you all for this, but still I believe this is a step for a better future."

Ivan looks at her in surprise, her- no, this world's optimism is foreign to him. "For a better future huh.. Hey do you know? Our nation are built by descendants of a supposedly super power and evil race called the Ancient Sorcerous Empire.. To this day, many of our people believed in an upcoming prosperity under their rule. But for us mixed breeds, we are not sure if such a reality is possible. Our race was known to have been their slaves, our wings caused by the rape and abuse of the Ravernals on our ancestors.. Hearing such thing as building for a better future... Can we even have such a future?"

"You can. After the winter is the spring. After the dark is the light. A better future is possible, and you should strive for it."

Hearing her, he realized his pessimism and became conscious of how gloomy his words were. "S-Sorry! I was.."

Caelia shakes her head on his words. "No, don't be sorry. Actually, I am curious about your country. What made you guys attack us? Why did you even attack us? I firmly believed that wars and conflict happen for a reason, and if that reason can be found we can end any conflict."

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