Chapter One: Part 2

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As I walk into my second-period class, I scan the room, desperately searching for Diaz. He's the guy who seems to know everyone, and I'm hoping he can give me the 411 on Roman—like a quick crash course in "Romanology."

We usually sit together with a few other people, but today, Diaz is MIA. My heart starts racing as I feel the weight of everyone's curious stares. I've been hanging out by the door for what feels like an eternity, and I can almost hear the mental whispers questioning why I'm just standing there looking lost."Might wanna get it together and sit down," I mutter under my breath, trying to shake off the nerves.

Just then, I hear a familiar voice from across the room: "Yo, Reni, what's up?"I turn around and see Diaz walking in with his usual easygoing stride. "Hey, Diaz, you're exactly who I was looking for," I say, visibly relieved as I make my way over to him. We head to our usual spot and drop into our seats.

"So, I've got a bit of a favor to ask you," I admit, feeling a bit jittery. "Sure thing. What's up?" Diaz asks, his smile as relaxed as ever. "Well, I'm trying to get the scoop on this guy named Roman. Do you know him?" I ask, trying to keep my cool but feeling a bit eager. "Roman? Oh, yeah, he's one of my best friends," Diaz says casually. "Actually, I think I've introduced you two before. Remember that?"

What?! I can't recall ever meeting him. But then again, there was that rough patch a while back when I was pretty out of it. "Hmm, I think it rings a bell," I say, not entirely convinced. "So, what's the deal? You got a thing for him or something?" Diaz asks with a playful grin. Did I really make it that obvious? Time to redirect. "Oh, no way. It's not me. Melie's the one who's interested, and I'm just trying to be a good wingman," I say with a nervous laugh, hoping to shift the focus.

I have to keep any feelings I might have for him under wraps. Right now, my focus is totally on helping Melie connect with him, not the other way around. "Well, if Melie's interested, you should let her know that Roman has a girlfriend," Diaz says with a shrug. My heart sinks at the news. A girlfriend? Of course, a guy as charming and attractive as him would have one. "Oh... really? That's a bummer... for Melie," I say, trying to sound casual and hide the disappointment.

Class starts, but I can't shake off the news. My mind keeps circling back to what Diaz said. Why does it bug me so much that Roman's taken? Was I actually hoping to get to know him better? I can't let these thoughts take over—it feels like I'm betraying my friend.

I need to push these feelings aside and pretend they don't exist. Yeah, that's definitely the way to go.

As I sit through the lesson, my mind drifts back to Roman. I can't believe I'm letting this get to me. I need to stay focused on helping Melie, not getting tangled up in my own feelings. It's so typical of me to overthink things. I just have to keep up the act, pretend it doesn't bother me, and be the supportive friend Melie needs right now. 

The rest of the class feels like a blur as I try to shove these thoughts down and maintain my cool. It's definitely going to be a long day.

*RIING* The bell rings, signaling the end of second period. I grab my stuff, still lost in my own thoughts. "Hey Reni, you ready to bounce?" I hear Melie's voice and look up to see her and Beka hanging out by my desk. "Oh, hey guys. Just grabbing my bag," I reply, trying to shake off my mood.

We make our way to the hallway, chatting along the way.

"I'm thinking about asking Roman for his email next class," Melie says with a hopeful grin.

Beka, always quick to support, practically bounces with excitement and says, "O.M.G! Yes, girl!"

Now I'm caught in a dilemma. Should I tell Melie that Roman has a girlfriend and shatter her hopes, or should I keep it to myself and let her keep dreaming? Sigh... I know I have to tell her, no matter how awkward it feels.

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